Egypt Bans Protests

In YouTube Posts by Hlarson0 Comments


“Egypt’s military-backed government has issued a law that all but bans street protests by applying jail time or heavy fines to the public demonstrations that have felled the last two presidents and regularly roiled the capital since the Arab Spring revolt. The new law, promulgated on Sunday, is the latest evidence of a return to authoritarianism in the aftermath of the military takeover that removed President Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood in July. It criminalizes the kind of free assembly and public expression that many Egyptians had embraced as a cherished foundation of their new democracy after the 2011 ouster of President Hosni Mubarak. And the relatively muted outcry against the law, mainly from human rights advocates, demonstrated how far public sentiment has swung…”.* John Iadarola (TYT University and Common Room), Dave Rubin (The Rubin Report), Eboni K. Williams (attorney and radio host), and Jimmy Dore (The Jimmy Dore Show) break it down on The Young Turks.

*Read more here from DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK / The New York Times:

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