Climate Change Deniers Denied By LA Times Letters Policy

In YouTube Posts by Hlarson0 Comments


“For years, scientists have been explaining that our proclivity to burn fossil fuels is causing temperatures to spike and weather to become more extreme, ice caps to melt and the tropics to overheat.

All along, an outspoken group of so-called climate-change deniers has countered the science, saying that climate change is a liberal invention with a political agenda. The debate became the subject of documentaries and countless articles. At times, the debate seemed to trump the actual issue.

Last month, a panel of the world’s top scientists presented its latest review of the data on climate change. The analysis concluded with 95 percent certainty — the gold standard in science — that climate change is manmade.”* The Young Turks hosts Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break it down.

*Read more here from Danielle Elliot / CBS News:

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