CNN: Clinton News Network

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments


Bernie Sanders was asked tough questions during the CNN Town Hall…which is great…but was Hillary Clinton also asked hardball questions? Cenk Uygur host of The Young Turks breaks it down.

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“Bernie Sanders keeps refusing to run the way that the pundits think he should — that’s what makes this primary so interesting and perhaps a turning point in American politics.

You could see it last night in the Democratic town hall. Before they let, you know, sensible people ask questions, there was CNN moderator Chris Cuomo. Cuomo, of course, wanted to know if Bernie Sanders was going to “bring back the era of big government.” This is exactly the kind of frame that pundits have been trying to put on American politics for about as long as I can remember, which is at least back to the Carter era.

This question is supposed to be a kind of kryptonite that causes Democratic politicians to sweat and turn pallid and immediately explain that no, they’re for efficient government or some such. It’s the kind of question that turned Bill Clinton into a triangulating centrist who cut welfare to the bone and elevated corporate power with a series of disastrous trade agreements. Everyone in Washington knows that “big government” is always bad.”

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