Same panel for SCS. The Japanese Prime Minister has decided to spend hundreds of millions on the ongoing crisis surrounding the leaking power plant. A study shows that despite previous beliefs, men are just as depressed as women are.,0,4281890,print.story There has been a spike in women selling positive pregnancy tests on Craigslist. The tests are used to test or scare the men in some women’s lives. A new study shows that men secretly feel terrible when their wives are successful. A building known as the Walkie Talkie in Britain is a reflective building which partially melted a car on the street due to the sun rays off of the building. A cake and pastry store that refused service to a gay couple has closed its doors after being put in the spotlight for denying service.
Dave reads #tytlive comments. A Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen that has a past of writing sexually harassing pieces had some degrading things to say about Miley Cyrus’ VMA performance. He found a way to connect it to the Steubenville Rape case. Jimmy goes off on this writer’s creepiness.