Black Student Beats Cops At Basketball, Detain Him

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments


Cenk Uygur ( host of The Young Turks discusses Philadelphia police officers detaining a black college student after he beats them in a game of pick up basketball.

“A video from the city of brotherly love has gone viral of 21 year old Samir Hill, a point guard at Allegany College of Maryland, beating a pair of police officers at a game of pickup basketball with a fellow friend. Hill had been playing with some neighborhood kids when the two officers had approached and started ‘trash talking’ so Hill challenged them to a game. Now that the video of Hill easily scoring on the officers has gone viral they have attempted on several occasions to arrest him on obviously bogus charges.

The video clips have been shared on social media as well as Hill’s story, gaining him support from several professional athletes.”

How can we keep police officers from abusing their power? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.

Read more here:


Cops Detain Black Man After BB Game, Slager Dashcam Revealed, War On Boko Haram, Gay Jihadists – The Young Turks Hour 1, 4/10/2015


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