College Graduation Rates Indicate Growing Wealth Gap

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments


“There is a growing divide between who earns a bachelor’s degree by age 24, with the gap between the nation’s richest and poorest students doubling during the last four decades, according to a report released Tuesday.

The percentage of students from the lowest-income families — those making $34,160 a year or less — earning a bachelor’s degree has inched up just 3 points since 1970, rising from 6 to 9 percent by 2013.

Meanwhile, college completion for students from the wealthiest families has risen dramatically, climbing from 44 to 77 percent.

“It’s really quite amazing how big the differences have become between those from the highest and lowest family incomes,” said Laura Perna, a University of Pennsylvania professor and executive director of the Alliance for Higher Education and Democracy, one of two organizations that published the study examining college costs and degree attainment.”

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