May 28, 2013 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by Elderrune0 Comments

Cenk hosting.  Bob Dole and Olympia Snowe had harsh comments for the Republican Party’s manner of gridlocking everything in Congress, and not coming up with any ideas.  Despite getting rid of Ashley Judd, Sen McConnell’s potential Democratic opponent is tied with him in the upcoming race.  John McCain went to Syria on Memorial Day.  Bob Schieffer thinks that Obama should rethink his entire communication policy.  David Axelrod responded by saying he’s not sympathetic to Schieffer’s plight of not being able to get a guest for his show.  Eric Holder spoke to the Daily Beast about the subpoena of Fox News’ reporter and how much he regrets doing it.


The member of Code Pink that interrupted Obama’s speech last week was confronted on CNN by anchor Carol Costello.  She finally addressed what was actually rude in American policy overseas.  Audio of Eric Bolling and Geraldo arguing over the blame on Benghazi.  Cenk agrees with Bolling’s points.  Sen Inhofe has declared to NewsMax that anyone calling climate change into question over the devastating tornado in Oklahoma is doing the victims a disservice.


President Obama and Congressional Repubs are fighting over the reason 4 vacancies still exist in the DC Court of Appeals.  Dems point out that it takes the longest for Obama’s nominees to be approved than any other president.  The GOP claims that Obama simply takes too long to nominate, but its Republicans’ job to push the slate of nominees, which they won’t.  Twitter Storm with Jenny Huang.


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