April 30, 2013 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by Elderrune0 Comments

Segment 1

Cenk hosting today.  Sen Jeff Flake’s approval numbers have plummeted more than anyone elses since he voted no on background checks.  After the news, Flake even came out admitting that he’s liked less than pond scum.  Cenk goes over the severely sunken numbers for Senators from both Parties due to their no vote.  Videos of Ted Cruz bragging to FreedomWorks members about how he stood up to weak Republicans that wanted to fold to the will of the people on the gun vote, and won.  Radio ads are being run by NRA and other pro-gun groups, telling everyone to thank Sen Ayotte for voting no.  AZ Gov Jan Brewer signed a new law into effect that would prohibit any group that conducts a gun buy back from destroying them, but makes them sell it back to the community.


Segment 2

Rep Jeb Hensarling has just obtained a powerful position with the House Financial Services Committee, so the bank lobbyists have instantly bought him with a posh ski resort trip.  Elizabeth Colbert Busch went after Mark Sanford’s throat in their debate last night.  Jay Carney and the President spoke yesterday and today about the red line that Syria has crossed with their use of chemical weapons.  Their tone was softened to the hard nosed one Obama took before.  Now that Israel has let the Admin off the hook for having to back up our bluff, Cenk is convinced that we’re not going to Syria.


Segment 3

Obama spoke about the need to close Gitmo while at the WH press briefing today.  His track record shows that he has no intention of doing any of what he’s advocating.  Twitter Storm with Jenny Huang.


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