April 26, 2013 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by Elderrune0 Comments

Segment 1

Cenk, John Iadarola, and Jimmy Dore hosting.  CISPA has been defeated in the Senate.  A resolution was passed to allow the FAA to avoid the furloughs that are negatively affecting air schedules.  Max Baucus wrote a poem about his decision to retire, but Cenk wrote a real version that highlights his real intentions. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/26/max-baucus-retirement_n_3163025.html


Segment 2

Democrat official in Michigan called another an arrogant nigger.  She later apologized and said it was a slip of the tongue.  She talked about how she’s eaten Thanksgiving dinner with Black people…in their house!!  Anthony Weiner admitted that some more things may come out that are true about his internet picture scandal.


Segment 3

After Sen Ayotte’s numbers have dropped since her ‘no’ vote on the background checks bill, Sen Toomey’s numbers have risen to their highest point since he was one of the co-authors of the bill. http://www.politicspa.com/quinnipiac-poll-gun-issue-boosts-toomey-approval/47636/   Mitch McConnell’s video propping up “Republican Values” that are nothing like what he espoused.


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