Is Banning Manspreading Sexist Against Men?

In Ana Kasparian on YouTube, YouTube Posts by Hlarson14 Comments


The Metropolitan Transportation Authority in New York has proposed a new policy that would do away with something known as “manspreading.” I had no idea what this was until I read into it a little. I was pretty surprised to find that this non-issue quickly turned into a controversial gender war. When will the madness stop? Is this a feminist ploy to make life difficult for men? Watch the video to find out.


  1. This is not feminism. This is feminazism. If this is a space issue, just tell everyone (including women) to shut their legs.

  2. Its obvious that this is sexist because the campaign name is ‘manspreading’. There you go. If it was completely void of sexism then it would simply be ‘spreading’.

    It really bugged me too how it’s a made up problem because there’s nothing better to complain about.

    Watch the youtube video where this girl goes around on the NYC subway confronting men that are apparently ‘manspreading’. You see in the video her confronting multiple men in one shot she’s having a man measure the space between his knees, and there is a woman next to him who clearly is spreading her knees much more than he was.

    It disappoints me that something this meager is deemed worthwhile to discuss and report on.

  3. That guy who was a medical professional probably sits with his legs open naturally without thinking about it. Plus if the majority of the subject population does it without conscious thought then why do people think that it isn’t a biologically driven exercise.

  4. UPAYA says:

    How about we mount a CARTOON CAMPAIGN to mock these spreaders~!
    Put them in the cars and in the stations. If there is enough noise about the campaign, news media of all sorts will pick it up…Let it GO VIRAL.

    Hey, Guys~ You gotta give the boys air~? The rest of us find you vulgar, inconsiderate and totally NOT sexy. Squeeze ’em a bit and make room for
    civil ppl.

  5. Also, no way its a passive form of assault. I agree Ana, that is way lame. that makes real assault sound like its nothing.

  6. Its not sexist. it is stupid. But men shouldn’t sit like that. It is a sign of arrogance. They should have been taught not to sit like that by mommy when they were a kid.. But don’t make rules about it. If you want to tell the world “I am a slob” that’s on you

  7. So telling someone how to sit is ok? Fine when the mta demands women sit with their legs spread I’ll believe this has nothing to do with sexism.

  8. Spread a little, but if you keep your knees more or less level with your shoulders it’s not going to cause a problem and it’ll let your boys breathe.

    Don’t be babies about it.

  9. If the MTA wants to ban “Manspreading” due to space and courtesy issues; then they have to start a campaign to ban all passengers from placing their bags on seats. I’m a large guy and there are other large people who don’t have personal boundary issues. They will literally sit on your lap to sit in a seat they don’t belong in at all. Because of my size even if I see a seat available if I feel it will make another passenger uncomfortable I will not sit down. I will wait for a seat that can accommodate me. This is not a gender issue as much as it is a courtesy issue,

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