TYT Old School August 16, 2018

In TYT Old School - On Demand by Waldo Peterson40 Comments

Ben and Cenk on this week’s Old School!


  1. Smurfette. Every time he says “blue on the outside, pink on the inside” I think of Smurfette. I can’t help it.

  2. I’ve been a Ben Mankiewicz fan on TYT since the Air America days… The best WTF, Main Shows and Old School have Ben aboard…

  3. If you like Crapi apartments. Then you’ll love…

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    “Yes, that is our name. Shih-tah. It’s a proud German name, host to a long line of audio engineers who slaved away in crumbling Teutonic fortresses as lightning lashed the dark lands outside, working to perfect the best amplification devices in the world…

    Or, well, no. Yep, Schiit is our name, and it’s pronounced, well, like “hey man, that’s some really good Schiit!” And now that we have your attention…”

  4. You folks could literally talk about anything for hours and I’d watch it, and love it. The Cenk/Ben combo is good, though I think a crew of 3 tends to work best. I like when Mark Thompson is on, he fits in great with you. A revolving cast is a great way to run this show though, keep it rocking! Happy to be a TYT Member! :)

  5. I can’t get enough of Ben & Cenk’s political insights, especially during one of the few times that they get together. More politics, please.
    More politics, please.
    More politics, please.
    More politics, please.
    More politics, please.
    More politics, please.
    More politics, please.

    1. Same but I understand why people want them to steer away from politics since TYT entirely talks about politics and it’s nice to get something different but since Ben isn’t on the main show often and the main show has set stories so they can’t give their insight and talk passed stories this is a nice way to do it.

  6. Old school is the reason why I pay for a membership. I catch the main show on youtube…post games are good too, but Old School is great.

  7. Fantastic old School. Very much in the vein of discussions that should be happening. More of this less of everything else!

  8. Ben, Ben, Ben – my heart breaks. You said pho like, “foe.”

    **long sigh**

    Start with the word fuck, as in, “fuck you for calling it foe,” and just drop the ‘-ck.’ — Pho — As in, “pho-ck that’s the most delicious thing I’ve ever put inside my face.”

    Also. Best. Old School. Ever. I can’t remember the last time I sustained such intense laughter for so long.

  9. Ahhhh old school with THE old school! Love when it’s you two!! Was watching live but I fell asleep during it and was waiting to watch the rest.

    But so weird that you mentioned alt right antisemitism on the study… I legit wrote this the other day on that video and it applies 100% to the discussion:

    “On antisemitism, even though the answer was already low at 74, polls set up like that don’t properly reflect antisemitism because it is different than a lot of other forms of bigotry. Jews, according to white supremacists, are the powerful who are trying to take down society through manipulating money, culture, immigration systems (bringing in Muslims and black people to “replace” them), etc. An evolution scale won’t reflect that like it would arabophobia or anti-black racism. It would be interesting to see a more in-depth study into alt-right antisemitism by people who understand antisemitism.”

    Also weird because there is a trend of comments with me about antisemitism the past few days…guess it has been coming up and I feel compelled. Whatever haha.

  10. Hey TYT, is it possible to have your app push notifications at the beginning of each show just so we have a reminder to tune in. I keep missing the beginning of your shows especially with shows like Old School that doesn’t always start exactly on time. JUST A THOUGHT. Keep up the good work!

  11. I laughed so hard at “I don’t know why I said that. We’ve never had anyone over for breakfast.” Cenk and Ben are the best Old Schoolers.

    I have twice as many mugs as glasses. I don’t know how that happens. Partially because glasses are more likely to break.

    I’m in agreement with Cenk over getting one last use out of your underwear. It’s a waste to wash it and not wear it!

  12. I wish the Metro driver of the train that carried the White Nationalists to the protest… I wish that they refused to drive the train due to their beliefs! How would they like that???

  13. Which tiny fraction of opposition to Pelosi is because of issues? Any issues. Or “impeachment is off the table.”

    You know that, no matter who the person is, Democrats will use identity politics to drum up support for Democrats with poor records and positions.

    fyi: Mugs are a teacher thing. When you’ve taught decades, and every year some students give you mugs filled with candy at xmas or the end of the year, and you can never get rid of them because then you feel guilty. Those mugs pile up. Besides the 20 or so in the kitchen, when I only use the same 2 mugs, there are boxes of them in the garage. Someday I’m going to get past the guilt and donate them somewhere.

    Having grown up in, and spent the first 4.5 decades of my life in, Los Angeles County, I have to tell Ben that when I moved out of CA I discovered a city that I love, that leaves Los Angeles in the dust in my rear-view mirror.


  14. My dad (God test his soul) used to say conTROVersy and every time you say it Cenk, it makes me smile and think of him. Don’t ever stop :-)

  15. First off, I have love for Ben, but Ben is an absolute bullshitter. lol.

    Secondly, he can never admit fault and he is super cunning at redirection. Even when he’s wrong he never gives an inch.

    I don’t know HIM, but I know him.

    1. I find it intensely impressive. The way he reframes the bad points he expresses to make it sound reasonable and thoughtful is O’Reilly level broadcasting. That said, sometimes he is just being reasonable and thoughtful.

  16. pelosi is not hated because she is female, she is despised because she is weak, against trump, GOP, bankers, capitalists and weapons.

    1. Schumer is even worse than Pelosi. That guy is useless as minority leader in the Senate. He doesn’t even try to enforce party discipline in opposition to Trump.

      I seriously don’t understand how the Democratic leadership is still in power after 2016. That sort of thing doesn’t fly in any other developed country.

      Here in Ontario, the provincial Liberal party was basically wiped out by the Conservatives, which are led by Rob Ford’s idiot brother. Guess what? The entire leadership of the party announced their resignations and exits from politics.

      The Democrats lose 1,000+ seats nationwide in ten years and still no substantive changes at the top of the party.

      1. It is the MO of every political party in sensible nations that a defeat of large margins requires at least the removal of leader. What is this nonsense of nancy being legendary for “Keeping her party together”, THAT IS THE BASIC, LOWEST FUCKING REQUIREMENT FOR A LEADER. This imperialist has no business being leader and should be condemned for her obsequiousness and fecklessness.

  17. This was a fucking brilliant show. I haven’t laughed so hard in ages. God bless Ben and Cenk. You’re the best!

  18. I wrote a decision in my constitutional law class about Colorado v masterpiece cake. The state of Colorado gave exemptions from the anti-discrimination law to other bakers (a black baker with a white supremacist group, atheist baker and Christian anti gay message cake, and a Muslim baker not wanting to bake a cake denigrating the quran). If the court forced Phillips to create a cake and allowed the others who were given exemptions not to, they would be engaging in content discrimination. That being said, no exemptions should have been given in the first place.

    1. Also the baker is from Colorado. There have been plenty of business ventures to celebrate with such a thing. For sure it has happened.

  19. Remember, under Pelosi, Schumer and Obama, the Dems have lost over 1000 seats along with governorships and state leg. They are LOSERS!!!! The take bribes from same donors and are paid to lose. We on the left, hate these people because they are corrupt and disconnected with the people and reality, not because they maybe a woman. I want Barbara Lee for leadership. She has earned it. I would just pressure her to stop taking any elite/corporate money.

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