I think what Ben was saying is that what AOC said with admitting that Israel is occupying Palestine is not that what she said was incorrect, but that it was Politically Incorrect. People were shocked because she wasn’t being politically correct not because people don’t believe its false. I am not sure if Ben was saying that she shouldn’t have said that, but if he is, that means he thinks we should be politically correct, then I agree with Cenk that we shouldn’t accept the establishment frame. I’ll never be with Ben if he’s advocating accepting the establishment’s framing and I’m just as pissed as Cenk when people accept that framing and I, for one, am glad AOC didn’t accept that framing.
I love this posting turnaround! KEEP IT UP CONTROL ROOM! NO INSANITY HERE!
this is the trump era, let the dirt out early and it cant be droped 2 days before the vote.
ps sometimes these smears are the only way a progressive gets media attention
I think what Ben was saying is that what AOC said with admitting that Israel is occupying Palestine is not that what she said was incorrect, but that it was Politically Incorrect. People were shocked because she wasn’t being politically correct not because people don’t believe its false. I am not sure if Ben was saying that she shouldn’t have said that, but if he is, that means he thinks we should be politically correct, then I agree with Cenk that we shouldn’t accept the establishment frame. I’ll never be with Ben if he’s advocating accepting the establishment’s framing and I’m just as pissed as Cenk when people accept that framing and I, for one, am glad AOC didn’t accept that framing.
I watched live, but I often can’t, so I just wanted to thank Waldo et al for getting these up so quickly