Exclusive Townhall With Cenk Uygur

In Special Events by Zoe J10 Comments

Some of our members were invited to ask Cenk questions about everything from the Trump-Pence “gag rule” toward Planned Parenthood to his go-to restaurant in Philly!


  1. I was one of the lucky members tapped to be a part of this TYT Townhall and found the experience disappointing overall. This is partly due to none of my questions being asked, keeping it 100. Also the shindig app was terrible, the audio kept looping back on itself & the video kept freezing or blanking out so badly that I only got to see about 15 minutes total of video. I just now watched the entire thing & I am happier now with the question selection then I was but still not thrilled as there were a lot of fluff questions when there have been a lot of controversy in the TYT universe as of late. I get that this was the first one & they are still working the bugs out so I hope the next one actually has real questions about the direction TYT is going in, how the $20 million from wall street is being used(maybe this is why people think TYT has sold out Cenk!) & maybe giving us members the real story on what happened with Jordan Chariton. I remain hopeful that TYT will include me in the next one, we shall see.

  2. Obviously the circumstances that lead to it aren’t preferable, but Cenk’s rage is a big part of why I’m a member. Those days that he flies solo on the main show visibly pissed off are my favorite, even though it can’t be good for his state of mental health. It really helps me cope with the sad state of our democracy.

  3. Cenk said “I like light extra wiz. Wiz on the top, wiz on the bottom”

    “That’s what she said”, I found myself saying to the screen. OK, no more comments from me. I am in a mood today. Don’t want to get myself in trouble.

  4. I love it. Great to see some of my fellow members. I am not the only not so young, Young Turk. Yippi. Geezers rule. Ops, said the G word. OK, I am a geezer, no y’all. I would also like to be on the next one. I never used my camera (paranoid) but I would for this.

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