Cenk Uygur interviews Dylan Ratigan running for congress in NY’s 21st district and Justice Democrats Alison Hartson , Ammar Campa-Najjar , & Roza Calderon
Find Dylan online @ https://www.dylanratigan.com , donate https://secure.actblue.com/donate/dylanratigan?refcode=homepage, volunteer https://www.dylanratigan.com/volunteer.
Find Alison online @ https://www.alisonhartson.com/ , donate https://secure.actblue.com/donate/primarythem?refcode=website, volunteer https://www.alisonhartson.com/now
Find Ammar online @ https://www.campacampaign.com/ , donate https://secure.actblue.com/donate/campacampaign-action, volunteer https://www.campacampaign.com/volunteer
Find Roza online @ https://www.electroza.org/, donate https://secure.actblue.com/donate/roza_ballot, volunteer https://signup.com/client/invitation2/secure/2311575/false#/invitation
De leon IS NOT A PROGRESSIVE. Under no circumstance should you vote 4 him in the primary
Last 5 polls including Hartson:
SurveyUSA May 21, 2018 – Trail KDL 11 -1
USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times April 18 – May 18, 2018 – Trail KDL 7 -1
SurveyUSA April 19–23, 2018 – Trail KDL 8 -4
Statistical Tying:
Emerson College May 21–24, 2018 – Trail KDL 6 -4
Gravis Marketing May 4–5, 2018 – Trail KDL 8 -6
Please provide any additional polls you have a knowledge of (” She is within 2% of KDL in 4 out of 5 polls, well within the margin of error “).
I am a Hartson donor (and also Roza, Audrey Denney, Col. Applegate in CA). But I want to see facts, not false hope.
FUCK THE LESSER OF TWO EVILS! So sick of that same old shit. Perhaps if a republican wins democrats will wake the fuck up sand decide to vote for actual progressives.
Alison Hartson is among the 20-30 senate candidates currently polling at 1% or less.
The only progressive with poll numbers within striking distance of winning the primary is Kevin De Leon. If not KDL, then the #2 spot will go to a Republican.
If Dianne Feinstein faces a Republican in November, she will win re-election.
If supporters of the 20-30 candidates like Hartson who are polling at 1% or less, vote for Kevin De Leon on June 5, then he will win the #2 spot and go on to face Feinstein in November. Then, we have a real horse race.
We MUST retire Feinstein. The only Democrat with any chance to do so is Kevin De Leon.
Please, vote for KDL on June 5.
Hartson’s polling average is approximately 3.2% in the 5 polls she has been included in. She is within 2% of KDL in 4 out of 5 polls, well within the margin of error.