Cenk Uygur interviews Pennsylvania candidate for State Senate Mark Pinsley , Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey, and Lorie Burch running for Congress in Texas’ 3rd distrtict.
Find Mark one line at https://www.votemarkpinsley.com/, Volunteer https://www.votemarkpinsley.com/act/, Donate https://secure.actblue.com/donate/markpinsley
Find Ed Online at https://www.markey.senate.gov/, Contact https://www.markey.senate.gov/contact
Find Lorie online at https://lorieburchforcongress.com/, Volunteer https://lorieburchforcongress.com/volunteer/, Donate https://secure.actblue.com/donate/lorie-burch-1
BDC – they did primary election coverage so no RH
Was there no RH on May 8?
Tonight’s Rebel HQ video can be found here: https://content.jwplatform.com/videos/6de2qeEc-orz3cQ0p.mp4
Thanks everybody on the TYT crew! Love ya all. :-)
Oh, weird. The main page linked to this the audio page instead of the video page. The video page works fine. Never mind.