And still no coverage for Tuesday… well I guess I can stop checking. I’m only here for election coverage anymore and I’m not into watching it a week later. I mean the next primary is right after tomorrow and I’m still waiting on Texas? There goes any excitement I had.
So is this part 3 of election coverage for feb 27th??? Seriously starting to despise the way things are posted on the website. There is no main playlist available & nothing for members to keep track of whats newly posted unless you have the ‘membership’ folder bookmarked…even that is not always 100% correct & I had to figure that one out myself so Im assuming most members just have to randomly click every individual show to see if something is posted. That must be super annoying & a huge waste of time, so please make a master playlist for all videos posted to the website TYT!
There is nothing better than a musical, and the high school musicals are wonderful. I don’t have children in school anymore but go to the plays and musicals just because I enjoy them.
Ballets are often totally badass. I think people’s opinions are based on Nutcracker and Swan Lake and little kid stuff where it’s all dainty and such. But ballets get awesome damn quick with intense music all around. Ballets are awesome and totally underrated.
Like Rite of Spring and Petrushka is not for the faint of heart. Even Sleeping Beauty has incredibly loud frightening music that is awesome.
I love how jimmy did that too. It’s more about where ur spending ur political capital and what you’re focusing on that’s the problem to me. And Rachel maddow being decent seems hard to believe now lol.
No Michael Shure, actually a heck of a lot of it is not legal.
The issue of corporations headquartered in other countries and having an almost exclusively foreign workforce spending millions in US elections is neither new, nor legal. In the aftermath of 2008 (Obama – McCain), Maddow covered this (she used to be decent back then),
The issue in 2008 was contribution in millions from Korean and Indian IT service companies, through lobbying entities towards candidates who openly supported tax lenience for companies relying heavily on outsourced labor. The wording of the law, when it comes to foreign entities, is:
******* Federal election law forbids political candidates from knowingly soliciting, accepting or receiving donations from foreign nationals or foreign entities under any circumstances. A candidate need not have direct knowledge that the source is foreign to be in violation of the law. It suffices for the candidate to be “aware of facts that would lead a reasonable person to inquire whether the source of the funds solicited, accepted or received is a foreign national” and have “failed to conduct a reasonable inquiry.”*****
These were,back then, and openly continue to be open and shut cases of law enforcement (read DOJ) simply choosing not to act and enforce the rule on something clearly illegal (and don’t throw an “ambiguous wording” bullshit sandwich, this is not ambiguous – you are responsible for knowing your sources of money …… if you have no special influences). And yes, it does make the Russian story laughable, because amount of money matters, impact matters, direct legislative influences matter more than social media posts, no matter how much you would like it to be otherwise.
Love how Jimmy simply doesn’t bother spending attention on bullshit wordsalads of how this might not “exactly be illegal and the poll may not be entirely scientific”, or “both are equal, whaaa !!!”, and starts going through his phone instead. He’ll go back to TJDS, and continuing ripping Russiascare apologists brand new assholes.
Thanks all for clearing that russiagate issue to rest :) The main reason it bugged me so much is that it is being used to harm progressives. I misunderstood Cenk, I thought he had bought into it.
Ana I’m with you, Hamilton is amazing. I was lucky enough to take some of my student and it changed their life. Cenk, you would love Hamilton because you are a revolutionary so it perfectly fights the work you do on the regular. Thanks for the election coming coverage guys.
Good job everyone! I really enjoyed this post game. Hearing more of Ana’s opinion on ballet would have been nice, but hearing jokes instead was cool too. I don’t have much experience attending the ballet, but I did read a book on the subject by one of my former professors at Oberlin College. It’s called Merce Cunningham: The Modernizing of Modern Dance (2004). It outlines how Cunningham broke with modernists like Martha Graham while keeping his distance from post-modernist trends that were overly focused on identity politics, etc. Reading it definitely developed my aesthetic appreciation of “the language of dance.”
Wish there was more content on the arts in general, how anyone can say ballet doesn’t move them is incredible to me, it’s not just the dance, it’s a combination of dance and music. Just watch this
if you think there is nothing to ballet.
And still no coverage for Tuesday… well I guess I can stop checking. I’m only here for election coverage anymore and I’m not into watching it a week later. I mean the next primary is right after tomorrow and I’m still waiting on Texas? There goes any excitement I had.
Still waiting for the texas coverage. Still haven’t checked results.
So are we just never getting the election coverage from this Tuesday? 3+ days of waiting has to be a new record for me
Nope, not part 3….its a part of one of the other videos that was already posted
So is this part 3 of election coverage for feb 27th??? Seriously starting to despise the way things are posted on the website. There is no main playlist available & nothing for members to keep track of whats newly posted unless you have the ‘membership’ folder bookmarked…even that is not always 100% correct & I had to figure that one out myself so Im assuming most members just have to randomly click every individual show to see if something is posted. That must be super annoying & a huge waste of time, so please make a master playlist for all videos posted to the website TYT!
Well she did ballet for most of her life after all. Not strange then perhaps.
I enjoyed this PG a lot, this was much more entertaining, yet informative, than 99% of comedies.
It looks like this fucking net neutrality is already taking effect. The fucking won’t load!!!
And youre a confirmed bachelor correct? LOL
I am odd. I love and respect and side with BOTH Michael Shure & Jimmy Dore. I fall in between the two overall, but I love specific things from each
In between Michael Shure and Jimmy Dore?
That would be Cenk, both literally and figuratively.
Heh. Good one. :)
Barbaro likes to earnestly stage whisper “Right!” whenever the interviewer answers the question the way he expected them to.
Why would they keep small children up until that hour, doesn’t seem like a very reasonable ballet group to me.
There is nothing better than a musical, and the high school musicals are wonderful. I don’t have children in school anymore but go to the plays and musicals just because I enjoy them.
Ballets are often totally badass. I think people’s opinions are based on Nutcracker and Swan Lake and little kid stuff where it’s all dainty and such. But ballets get awesome damn quick with intense music all around. Ballets are awesome and totally underrated.
Like Rite of Spring and Petrushka is not for the faint of heart. Even Sleeping Beauty has incredibly loud frightening music that is awesome.
Ana looks like a ballerina here. How ironic.
I love how jimmy did that too. It’s more about where ur spending ur political capital and what you’re focusing on that’s the problem to me. And Rachel maddow being decent seems hard to believe now lol.
I’m guessing it was Mark Walberg from Antiques Roadshow … which makes the ballet story even funnier!
No Michael Shure, actually a heck of a lot of it is not legal.
The issue of corporations headquartered in other countries and having an almost exclusively foreign workforce spending millions in US elections is neither new, nor legal. In the aftermath of 2008 (Obama – McCain), Maddow covered this (she used to be decent back then),
The issue in 2008 was contribution in millions from Korean and Indian IT service companies, through lobbying entities towards candidates who openly supported tax lenience for companies relying heavily on outsourced labor. The wording of the law, when it comes to foreign entities, is:
******* Federal election law forbids political candidates from knowingly soliciting, accepting or receiving donations from foreign nationals or foreign entities under any circumstances. A candidate need not have direct knowledge that the source is foreign to be in violation of the law. It suffices for the candidate to be “aware of facts that would lead a reasonable person to inquire whether the source of the funds solicited, accepted or received is a foreign national” and have “failed to conduct a reasonable inquiry.”*****
These were,back then, and openly continue to be open and shut cases of law enforcement (read DOJ) simply choosing not to act and enforce the rule on something clearly illegal (and don’t throw an “ambiguous wording” bullshit sandwich, this is not ambiguous – you are responsible for knowing your sources of money …… if you have no special influences). And yes, it does make the Russian story laughable, because amount of money matters, impact matters, direct legislative influences matter more than social media posts, no matter how much you would like it to be otherwise.
Love how Jimmy simply doesn’t bother spending attention on bullshit wordsalads of how this might not “exactly be illegal and the poll may not be entirely scientific”, or “both are equal, whaaa !!!”, and starts going through his phone instead. He’ll go back to TJDS, and continuing ripping Russiascare apologists brand new assholes.
Thanks all for clearing that russiagate issue to rest :) The main reason it bugged me so much is that it is being used to harm progressives. I misunderstood Cenk, I thought he had bought into it.
*fits not fights
Ana I’m with you, Hamilton is amazing. I was lucky enough to take some of my student and it changed their life. Cenk, you would love Hamilton because you are a revolutionary so it perfectly fights the work you do on the regular. Thanks for the election coming coverage guys.
Good job everyone! I really enjoyed this post game. Hearing more of Ana’s opinion on ballet would have been nice, but hearing jokes instead was cool too. I don’t have much experience attending the ballet, but I did read a book on the subject by one of my former professors at Oberlin College. It’s called Merce Cunningham: The Modernizing of Modern Dance (2004). It outlines how Cunningham broke with modernists like Martha Graham while keeping his distance from post-modernist trends that were overly focused on identity politics, etc. Reading it definitely developed my aesthetic appreciation of “the language of dance.”
Wish there was more content on the arts in general, how anyone can say ballet doesn’t move them is incredible to me, it’s not just the dance, it’s a combination of dance and music. Just watch this
if you think there is nothing to ballet.