State of the Union 2018 pt. 2

In Special Events by Gigi Manukyan22 Comments

Part 2 of Cenk, Ana, John, & Ben for SUTO play-by-play coverage.


  1. To add to Ana’s comment about Joe Kennedy’s speech v. the authenticity of Bernie’s. I think not only should a smart (new so to speak) democratic lean toward similar progressive talking points as Bernie but they should literally fly on the coattails of what Bernie did. You couldn’t tell that Kennedy was on board with all of the same progressive policies as Bernie Sanders. And unless a future candidate proves their dedication to that same policies as Bernie than we (myself and other progressive voters) will continue to overlook boring politicians and their fluffy speeches.

  2. Canada didn’t vote against. We abstained. Good ol’ don’t-take-a-stance Canada.

    Speaking of which, Joe Kennedy reminds me sooo much of Justin Trudeau. Careful. A pretty face and a royal family can take a guy right to the top on no experience at all and make everyone forget about policy.

  3. Context my ass . Remember this is the organization that was founded by J. Edgar Hoover. A corrupt white supremacist who spied on people and may have had some killed also modeled the FBI after himself . This is what your defending. So because Trump is against them we love them now? Why do they love the devil because the devil gives them nothing.

  4. I think if progressives want to win they need to start listening to people like Ben. They get super dismissive and uppity when Ben brings up a point but he brings up the points that progressives need to sway voters on. Bernie supporters are turning into Hillary supporters. You aren’t going to win with just the progressive vote you need some people that have always voted establishment Democrats. Listen to him and his advice and reach out instead of canned answers and dismissive attitude. Cenk and others were caught up in the paused of Kennedy’s speech his speech has mass appeal Bernie has improved but he has steps to take… learn

  5. Everything Bernie said appealed to me so much… I’m just worried it doesn’t appeal to uninformed voters. It’s what has always scared me about him. Damn, I want him or someone like him as President but I just don’t know…

  6. I’m with Ben yeah Kennedy’s speech was super practice and followed a certain delivery pattern and that’s annoying (especially to people who cover politics all the time) but I would rather hear his speech than Trump’s. To insult it after Trump’s just super racist jingoistic speech because his pattern was off… meh?

      1. Thank you for not actually reading my comment and assuming I support him. I was simply saying they got caught up in pauses when his speech was better than Trump’s but please preach to me

        1. Also, this is the problem with the TYT audience you assume everyone listens to speeches like you do. That speech will appeal to a lot of people so you need a better response than the canned “he takes money from donors” response. It sounds like a good speech and Cenk, John, and Ana were obsessed with it being a corporate speech where Ben was listening to it like an average voter and it was a good speech. Learn to speak to people in the democratic party and not just give canned dismissive answers.

          Your answer means nothing to me because I dislike him on the same principal you do. But I am willing to acknowledge his mass appeal and was a good speech. At some point, the anti-establishment people need to learn how to bring the establishment voters over or we are going to keep having the same “super close” primaries but ultimately ends up with Hillary vs Trump

    1. I think Joe did a great job. Do I believe they’re actually going to do anything about all that stuff instead of caving like they normally do? No. But it was a very good speech, I thought.

    1. Defending the FBI is different from “the FBI should not just be purged because people in power want it to be”

      context is a lovely thing

  7. Look I don’t completely lack empathy but don’t go to North Korea and behave like a jackass… Yeah, it’s horrid that he is dead but what the hell. Don’t go to Dubai don’t go to North Korea stop treating these places like tourist stops for rich white Americans because they aren’t

    He should be alive but using him as an excuse to make a bad situation worse is bs. He should be alive because people taught him not to treat messed up places like his own little playground. The adults in his life failed him

    1. Yes, I am totally aware how horrid that is. He should never have died but he should never have been there. If he was going to be there people should have taught him how to behave and protected him from himself. Nothing excuses what they did but nothing excuses letting someone who is barely an adult go in and just “not get it”

  8. Bernie Sanders’ speech was fabulous. I loved that he jumped right in and started talking about Trump’s lies a rhetoric, starting with wasn’t there… That was a good place to start. More and more I appreciate his candidness, direct approach and honesty. I also loved that he said whopper.

    I liked a point in his speech, and was surprised that no one really talked about it much, that he made about us all coming together and we shouldn’t let ourselves be divided, that there are certain things we all want “whatever the colour of our skin, our gender etc….” that helped the audience think of themselves as included as part of Bernie’s group or that he is a part of our group, which helps with a weak point, that he’s an old, white, man. I liked that, as I think that people who might be in doubt, worried about the stupid Bernie Bros thing or just that he’s just another old, white, male politician who isn’t really going to help or make changes, or is lying like all politicians do or…. I. think this helped pull audience members who might otherwise be on the fence or a little doubtful, on his side. Sorry to go on, but I just thought it was skilful. While he is very honest and genuine. he is also a good speaker and smart, and I love that…. I just loved his speech, it spoke of so many things I, and so many other Americans are worried about, thinking about, concerned about, afraid of…. And addressed it. If I didn’t already love him I think this speech would have won me over for sure– and I hope others will be won over too. I definitely have to find his speech to share and tweet and send to friends and stuff so I can convince them all. I hope as many of us as possible will do the same.

    1. uninvited implies he was invited. I am looking for videos for proof that Jimmy was meant to be part of tonight.

      Also, say he was why do you assume he was uninvited and did not just decide to do his own thing? You act like he was kicked off the network. He did SOTU coverage you can find it as you are apparently a member. Stop hate watching and watch

  9. Out of the three of them, Trump’s speech was the worst. He doesn’t know how to deliver a speech, and the substance itself was horrible.

    When it came to delivering the speech, I’d say that Kennedy is a better speaker, but Bernie didn’t sound like a typical politician.

    But when it came to actual substance, Bernie’s speech was the best by far.

    So the overall ranking I would give is:

    1. Bernie Sanders
    2. Joe Kennedy
    3. The Orangatang

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