Saturday: July 29
Freedom Hall – Charlie Kirk vs. Hasan Piker: 1-2pm PT
Independence Hall – Ann Coulter vs. Ana Kasparian: 5-6pm PT
Sunday: July 30
Independence Hall – What Now, Democrats with Cenk Uygur: 11:30am -12:30pm PT
Freedom Hall – Bringing Conservatism Back to Millennials with Ana Kasparian: 12-1pm PT
Liberty Hall – Radicals, Refugees, & Republicans with Hasan Piker: 1:30pm-2:30pm PT
Independence Hall – Cenk Uygur vs. Ben Shapiro: 5:30pm-6:30pm PT
Colter – Kasparian debate
What debate were you guys watching? No one won this debate. Same shifting of issues. Colter – Dodges (legalized) police brutality question, shifts discussion to (illegal) black-on-black crime. Kasperian – basically states immigration laws should change since two bad border patrol agents molested a girl from Guatemala. to AnC…police can’t become criminals just because criminals are criminals. to AnaK…either people should pass through customs and immigration, passport in hand, or they shouldn’t. It’s that simple.
The Right – ‘every man for himself’, the Left – ‘it’s always someone else’s fault’. Answer? – neither. The wide brush answer is this. Technology and organization win. Period. Except for the Middle East and Brazil (special cases), no tech countries are poor, and no non-tech countries are rich. Blacks and Browns (BnB) are poor because they are NOT obsessed with technology, while Whites and Yellows (WnY) are. Violent music videos, for example, have created a survival culture of intimidation in the BnB communities, and one of fear and frustration in the WnY. Then…BnB find they want what WnY make, and are forced to fight each other for the crumbs WnY have left behind. This leads to B-on-B crime, welfare mentality, exploitation, and police overreaction.
Everyone picks on the weak. Whites steal what others have, then scoff at them for having nothing. BnB use this as an excuse to build nothing, expecting WnY to share what they’ve built. Note…ME refugees don’t go to ME countries, they find a smart W (infidel) country to migrate to because Ws have their act together. Upon arrival, they expect Ws to change.
If you’re focused on anything other than technology (music, religion) you will always want what others make. You’ll lie to yourself and others as to why you are left wanting. That will lead to conflict since the young are so easily fooled and manipulated. WnY are not going to stop creating, and others are not going to stop wanting what is made.
Solution, why don’t WnY’s share? Well, they do, it’s called FREE high school (tax rich – free college too). If BnB ever realize how critical this is, the problem will be solved. Grades -> logic -> culture change -> stereotype change -> societal evolution. Turn off the music, and turn on the light.
In short, when you can give me a scenario where BnB don’t’ study as much as WnY, but have what WnY have…then I’ll say I’m wrong.
So, after much hype, I went to Politi-Con…what an absolute waste. The travel and overpriced hotel aside, the experience was so awful, that I left 3hours before check-out (on Sunday morning…and blew off day two). Wish I had stayed home and just watched on youtube. Forget the money: I want the 8 hours of my life back, I wasted at that fuck fest! My main reason for going was to watch my two favorite commentators Cenk and Ana debate. Saw Ana slay the Coulter dragon…by far, the most cringe inducing moments, were Ana, smiling at the crowd, during Coulter’s racist rants)…It was masterful! Watched the Hasan debate (with an audience of adoring coeds and bitter frat-boys…I finally got his appeal). Now, for Cenk. I saw him when I left the venue to find food…don’t get me started on that major oversight). Anyway, I am terrified of interacting with celebrities, particularly ones I admire, so I could only manage a wave and a smile. Just watched his debate on youtube and Shapiro’s Simpleminded fan-base aside: Cenk murdered! How the nasal-voiced nerd, vomiting out his word salad of trite, garnered that following is beyond me: but then again, there is TRUMP…sad!
So it seems like you hated the convention but loved the panels?
Sorry the convention wasn’t managed well. Thanks for the info.
Ana vs. Anne: Ana slayed!
Cenk vs. Ben: Cenk schooled the little brat!
I missed Hasan’s turn…
I enjoyed watching these debates!
This is the page where I found TYT set up – Cenk’s debate is late because of a schedule change. Click the link in Update 2.
*venue change
Cenk’s FB is better!
If you are looking for the Politicon videos check TYT’s main Youtube channel. Here is a link to Ana vs Ann https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHgWycM–zI
Also Hasan Piker vs Charlie Kirk can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3cBG2cyoQg
Nothing else has been uploaded yet. Give it a day.
Cenk and what now democrats
Where are the links or videos? What is point of posting schedule wo links?
I saw an you tube post by Cenk that we can find the Hasan Piker’s and Ana Kasperin’s 2017 Politicon debates in tytnetwork.com . I had so much difficulty in even locating something with regard to the Politicon event, that I had to literally search for the word “politicon” to get here.
Where are the videos. please?
I would love to be able to see the debates/panels. I am unable to watch them as they happen. Any links or directions would help me greatly.