Trump Has Had Enough Of Press Freedom

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Aaron Wysocki1 Comment


Trump wants to destroy press protections. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

“During an interview with CBS Miami, Donald Trump said he’d like to change the nature of the First Amendment in order to make it easier to file libel lawsuits against the media.

Trump spoke with Jim DeFede on Sunday, and he was asked about whether he feels that “too much protection” is given to the free press. Trump affirmed his belief on this issue, stating that America should lean towards the United Kingdom’s system for libel because it gives people who sue media agencies “a good chance of winning.”

Our press is allowed to say whatever they want and get away with it. And I think we should go to a system where if they do something wrong… I’m a big believer tremendous believer of the freedom of the press. Nobody believes it stronger than me but if they make terrible, terrible mistakes and those mistakes are made on purpose to injure people. I’m not just talking about me I’m talking anybody else then yes, I think you should have the ability to sue them.”

Under English law, defamatory statements are assumed to be false, and the burden of proof lies with the defendant to show that their statement is true. While Trump talked about this system, Trump said that the American press is never compelled to apologize, and that “they can say anything they want about you or me and there doesn’t have to be any apology.””*

Read more here:…


  1. Trump is unbelievable in a predictable kind of way – he doesn’t seem to understand the values and ideals that the USA stands for! he is an incredible liar / demagogue – he is deplorable – irredeemable so! in the most reprehensible way – he is disgusting!! this trend amongst the alt right to use Nazi jargon – ‘luggenpress’ for example – reflects his beliefs – he is absolutely wrong to attack the press – what’s he going to do next book burnings??? – remember when they burn books – they will burn people!!
    So he doesn’t like the 1st amendment but the second amendment is ok with him but he’s also against the 4th and many of his supporters resent the 13th – holy crap!! these people are deplorable – ps when the Nazis were labelled barbarians by the opposition they embraced the title -and became proud of this label!! but I’m sure no one would deny they were hideous barbarians!! just as history will no doubt judge this season’s republican movement as horrendous and out of character with the direction of the USA and its ideals!

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