
  1. Cenk I’m disappointed that you asked Bernie little to nothing about his policy positions. Simply attacking the the consent machines of media continues the distortion of our political discourse along the framing vectors, they’ve established for their benefit. So, I’m still wanting a deep talk about his policy positions.

  2. A lot of good questions have already been posted. I would like to add a couple of my own:

    1) Would you push for statehood for the District of Columbia, as well as our territories such as Puerto Rico?

    2) Would you extend full US Citizenship to those living in all of our territories?

    3) What are your plans to fight voter disenfranchisement, at every level?

    4) What are your stances on developing technologies such as genetic research and driverless cars?

    5) What is your vision for the future of NASA?

  3. 1) I really liked Jimmy’s point about how Republicans always claim government doesn’t work and then ensure that it doesn’t work once elected into office. I’m curious to hear what Bernie Sanders would say to that comment. Personally, I think it’s a really strong point that could help him in future debates.

  4. Mr. Sanders MUST contest the Arizona primary or risk losing his credibility. TYTs MUST urge him to challenge the blatantly bogus results of the Arizona primary! Thank you.

  5. Tell your friends, tell your neighbors! Congratulations TYT for landing this interview. I can’t wait for the first postgame afterwards to hear how this came to be…

  6. Thanks for your invaluable dedication to providing an independent new source. While not asking for you to read this letter in it’s entirety, would you ask Bernie to respond to the issues outlined below in regard to vote suppression and disenfranchisement that the DNC may or may be complicit to:

    We, as your supporters/volunteers/donors and advocates for the People’s movement are DEEPLY concerned about what appears to be systemic election rigging within the Democratic primary and the failure of the Sanders campaign to address problems as they have revealed themselves.

    State by state, we have witnessed serious issues with caucus rigging (video evidence emerging showing Clinton staff miscounting votes/allowing Clinton voters to go into caucuses unregistered, misinforming caucus participants of rules resulting in invalidating Sanders votes). The violations were so severe in Iowa that the editorial board of the newspaper that endorsed Hillary Clinton for the Presidency, the Desmoines Register called for a independent audit and full investigation to determine what went wrong. In Nevada, we have video of Clinton supporters being allowed to vote in the caucus unregistered and miscounting vote. The concerns about manipulations in from the Clinton campaign in Nevada resulted in Nurses United (the Nurses’s union that endorsed Sen Sanders) to request independent polling monitors be brought in to oversee elections in remaining primary states.

    In addition, we have seen a consistent trend of exit polling not matching election outcomes in Arizona, Massachusetts, Missouri, Iowa and Illinois indicating wins for Senator Sanders in these states. Additionally, exit polls in other states indicate much closer outcomes than reported results. In Massachusetts, we witnessed unadjusted exit polls indicating a double digit win for Bernie Sanders and hand counted precincts in Massachusetts going to Senator Sanders by 17% over Hillary Clinton. In Arizona, exit polls conducted by the Daily Courier indicated Sanders winning by 62% over Clinton 37% yet current results are indicating an inexplicable double digit win for Clinton. Exit polling has been consistently correct in predicting Republican primary outcomes from the same outlets conducting the Democratic polling. This is a major red flag.

    We also have video evidence that Bill Clinton broke the law in campaigning INSIDE Massachusetts polling places and shutting down polling stations for several hours as he canvased these precincts. Despite this being against state law, the severe disruption in voting that occurred, and a petition of over 100,000 people demanding that the state take legal action against Clinton for these violations, nothing was done. This emboldened Bill Clinton to repeat the same behavior in precincts in Illinois, and Hillary Clinton was seen campaigning at a precinct in North Carolina during voting on that state’s primary day. Voters felt enormously disrespected that the Clinton’s interfered with our voting process and upset the Sanders campaign did not hold them to account for illegally disrupting our voting process.

    Additionally, there is a serious concern about purged voter roles with voters in every primary state thus far reporting incidents where individuals were either removed from the rolls or did not have their registration update changes in status that would have allowed them to participate in the 2016 Democratic primary. Florida and Arizona was the most egregious in voters reporting removal from the roles with many citizens being denied the vote entirely or only allowed to vote on provisional ballots. Additionally, in Arizona we witnessed mass suppression of the vote as the state provided only sixty polling places for participation in contrast to the 200 that were available for the 2012 uncontested Democratic primary election. Voters reported waiting in lines for up to six hours. The mainstream news media predicted a victory for Clinton with available exit polling data indicating a Sanders win and thousands of voters still waiting in line to cast a vote. This wreaks of wag the dog politics, and we have zero faith that the outcome in Arizona is any way indicative of the actual results of that election.

    This is a short list of the issues and problems that have been reported in the Democratic primary thus far. Please refer to this blog for sources, videos, documentation, and video evidence compiled by state.

    As supporters of this movement, we are troubled by the failure of the campaign to address these issues as they have arisen. We are puzzled why hand recounts of sample precincts were not requested in states where exit polls and election outcomes did not match. The machines we vote on are subject to tampering and remote hacking and election results have been shown to change by simple miscalibration of these machines. We are are disturbed that the campaign failed to follow up with recounts in Missouri when exit polls showed a clear Sanders win in this state, and election precinct totals showed statistically improbable changes to favor Clinton in larger voting ares such as St Louis. If the campaign did not want the voters to incur the cost for a full recount in this state, it would have been prudent to request hand recounts of ballots in precincts that prevented red flags. Our concern in Missouri, and indeed all the primary states, is not to pick up one or two extra delegates, but reveal what we believe could be mass election fraud.

    Given the amount of evidence, it has come to the point of irresponsibility by the campaign to continue to ignore this issue. Volunteers and supporters have given literally hundreds of thousands of man hours and millions of dollars in donations to drive this campaign to success. We compel the campaign to employ every possible means of safeguarding our votes. Therefore, we formally request the campaign to fully contest the election results in the state of Arizona in the following capacity:

    [-]Demand a full recount which would include all provisional ballots
    [-]Demand a new primary election with necessary provisions to address the egregious problems outlined above
    [-]Petition the DNC to vacate any delegates awarded from Arizona

  7. Hello Cenk,

    I know Bernie Sanders said he would support whomever won the Democratic primary, but the Democratic Party went back on its word to support him. I know Bernie is a man of his word, but the Democrats broke their word, freeing him to do what he wants. Would he–under certain circumstances–consider running for president as an Independent? I don’t want Hillary Clinton. This world needs a Bernie Sanders presidency and I’m not sure it can wait.

    Here are some circumstances that might favor a run as an Independent:

    1. The Democratic Party broke its word to Bernie
    2. Suppose the Republicans give Trump the boot and he challenges them on a separate ticket?
    3. Suppose Hillary is indicted?
    4. What if Jill Stein asks him to run as VP?
    5. ???????

    Which combination of these (or other) circumstances would prompt Bernie to run on a separate ticket? I don’t think America and the world can wait another four years for a real leader. Bernie is the only person who can carry us forward. We NEED him.

    Thank you,

    Ladyhawk Feathers-in-Her-Hair

  8. I have a couple questions for Bernie:

    1. On science and technology:
    Science and technology are the foundation for the future of America and the entire wold for that matter. So first, what is your plan to allocate tax dollars to greater fund science, space exploration, and perhaps even certain technology companies? Second, as you know, there are many engineering jobs open to American workers, but there aren’t enough qualified Americans with the proper education and training to fill these jobs. As a result, it’s common practice to hire qualified non-Americans to take these jobs that Americans should have been able to fill. So what are your plans to continue to encourage youth to engage in STEM fields and increase an interest in math and science at a young age? I’m sure part of it is to allow more people to become educated and to extinguish gender roles, both of which should happen anyway, but what about other ways you might make an effort to popularize STEM and create a more scientifically literate society? For example, perhaps teaching history of science alongside history of politics and warfare in public schools.

    2. On tax dollars going overseas vs staying in the US (written for Hillary but applies to any presidential candidate)
    What is your plan to get us out of all of these foreign military conflicts that don’t affect the American people? What will you do to bring back the trillions of dollars that we are spending on the military and wars so that we can spend it instead on healthcare and education, things that the American people actually need? Because money should never be a reason to not go to the doctor; money should never be a reason to not get a 4-year degree. Will you make domestic affairs a priority over foreign affairs?

  9. Dear Cenk,

    I would like to propose the following to Bernie Sanders. The progressive communities in this country are highly decentralized. I believe Bernie’s movement has demonstrated the true magnitude and passion of the progressives nationally. Whether Bernie wins the white house or not, I hope that Bernie Sanders uses his new national role to focus progressive causes. For example, organizing marches on Washington or a date for protests at state capitals across the country regarding specific issues. I think that national coordination would make our movement much more powerful and much more noticed in the media.


  10. Disclosure: I have regularly watched TYT for many years, and it’s thanks to you guys that I even ended up hearing about Bernie Sanders and his progressive platform which is something that today’s Democratic party is by and large severely lacking. As someone who does climate change research as a career, I feel that Bernie is the only candidate that makes climate change a front and center issue. Connecting this to the issue of money in politics is especially important given that the fossil fuel industry pays our politicians to undermine any meaningful action.

    With that in mind I would especially like to hear a bit more about Bernie’s stance on funding science agencies in this country, particularly the NSF and NASA as they are the major grant sources of most climate research performed in this country. I understand that paying for things like free college tuition and medicare for all are higher priorities, but nonetheless I am of the opinion that some branches of scientific research are starving for funding.

  11. As a current resident of Michigan with twin boys ages 6, I am greatly concerned with the culture of corruption that resides in the state of Michigan. As we all know, the Flint Water crisis is a colossal failing of the state government to help and protect the people whom elected them into their jobs. But unfortunately this is just the tip of the iceberg at the levels of corruption within politics in Michigan. Having moved from California in 2010 to Michigan, I was and still am shocked and appalled of the corruption and the lack of desire by the populace to try to change the corruption. The citizens of Michigan have just come to accept it as a way of life.

    So my question for Senator Sanders is what are his plans for cleaning out the corruption in the states? I believe this is a systemic problem in both parties at the state or lower levels. I also believe until the corruption is diminished to some degree ( Its probably a fairy-tale to ever expect 0% corruption), campaign finance reform, term limits, diminishing lobbyists power in DC and other reforms needed to take place and have the US government be once again a government for the people.

    Also this is another idea to help reduce the amount of money in politics, right now a member of the house is elected every 2 years, the senate 6 years and president every 4 years. With a 2 term limit on the president but no term limits on congress. The biggest problem is as soon as a congressman or congresswoman is elected they have top plan for their re-election. So they take PAC money to ease their minds about getting re-elected. So house members should have 4 year terms with a 3 term limit, senators 6 years with 3 term limits and leave the president as is. That gives a politician 30 years in congress and 42 years max in government if they are really popular and doing a good job. That is plenty of time and it is supposed to be public service.

    Senator Sanders thank you ahead of time if you address my issues and thank you for the great presidential run and I am in it with you until November.

    Thank you
    Terry Morgan

  12. I am 28 years old, and an avid supporter of Mr. Sanders. I only have one long winded and fairly broad question to ask of him but it is something that has been deeply weighing on my mind over the past few months. This will be the 3rd presidential election I have participated in, but the first time I have felt this level of frustration and anger with the process. It truly feels like a circus. Many young voters, some voting for the first time, have expressed similar feelings and I worry some may be turned off enough, to lose patience/faith in the process and feel their voices matter little to none against all the noise.

    What should “We the People” learn (based on what we have witnessed from both sides/mainstream media) from this election, so far? Is there any hope to truly shake up the mess things have become within our government? Is there anyway for an unbought politician to breakthrough or to truly evade the sway of what the monopolized mainstream media drills into the minds of Americans? Or are we destined for a future of choosing our leaders like we choose our Idols, tweeting our pick for the best performance?

    Beyond Mr. Sanders, all we have been given is a smorgasbord of tap dancing sideshow clowns, Wall St. pets, and hate mongers engaging in schoolyard fights (LIVE AND ON STAGE!) dividing the country almost to a breaking point- not for the change and reform we desperately need but for the chance to win our most important proverbial popularity contest. I like to think we are better than that, but this has been a truly frightening thing to watch unfold knowing our future’s are hanging in the balance.

  13. I don’t have Twitter so I cannot submit as #askbernie
    But I really hope you ask him about last night in Arizona. I watched your program and you dismissed the shenanigans in AZ but it looks more and more like maybe a million or more people were prevented from voting. Enough to completely swap support levels between Clinton and Bernie.

    You claim there would be no way to know who to prevent, but sure there is. If Bernie is willing 60-70% of Youth and Independents, then by disenfranchising them, the few Clinton supporters who get caught in the fraud becomes worth it.

    It is clear there has been fraud in AZ, any reasonable person cannot deny the evidence and the sheer number of accounts. Please ask Bernie what he will do, and more importantly please Cenk do not dismiss reality. Not every claim of fraud is a “conspiracy.” It does happen, and lets face it the Democratic Party is no pillar of democratic ideals.

  14. I have two questions for Mr. Sanders.
    1. What is your positions on our current K-12 education policies? Specifically regarding Common Core and the “teaching to the test” curriculum across the country.
    2. If you had to chose one, which would be your priority? Closing tax loopholes, raising corporate taxes or raising the minimum wage?

  15. Huge Bernie supporter. I am also an engineer with the majority of my work focused around frac’ing wells. His stance on frac’ing is hugely disappointing to me. I love that he is willing to make a black and white call about things like frac’ing, when Hillary won’t, but he is wrong on this issue. I wish that he had more background and understood how benign and necessary this process is when done in the correct manner like the hundreds of thousands of jobs that have been done around the world. Moving away from a hydrocarbon-based economy is 100% the right thing to do. However, domestic oil and gas production will completely evaporate if we can’t frac, we will be nearly completely reliant on foreign sources of oil, and thousands of jobs will be lost across the country. Commercial power from gas is still lightyears better than from coal and an overhaul of our national powergrid will not happen overnight. Oil will still be required for aviation fuel, likely for long-haul trucking, and the huge number of consumer goods that have a petroleum base. Strict regulation (or enforcement of existing regulations) are necessary with harsh penalties should operators not do their due diligence. I will continue to support Bernie because he is the change that this country needs even though, if he wins, my livelihood will severely be in jeopardy. Looking forward to the interview.

  16. I am aware of Bernie’s platform. I have three concerns regarding Bernie’s campaign:
    1) Does Bernie have a plan to forgive significant amounts of current student debt that cripple too many people psychologically and in terms of opportunity/choices?
    2) Malcolm X made things funky. Hillary might be your friend Bernie but she is an opportunist and neoliberal. She needs to be called what she is to her face. These aspects of what she represents need to be brought open in a more direct fashion. This is a recommendation. I canvassed 40 shifts in Iowa and in my view…This kind of boldness and funkiness would be contentious and ultimately beneficial to his campsign.
    3) I want to read the Goldman Sachs transcripts. She cant be allowed an out next time..

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