Why Bernie Sanders Won Super Tuesday

In Articles by Nunpuncher10 Comments

Bernie won Super Tuesday! Let me explain why.

Going into tonight it was unclear what was going to happen because the polling was so shoddy in some states, especially Colorado and Minnesota. Those two states are so important because of what they mean for the future.

It turns out that Hillary Clinton won all of the states she was supposed to win — and a narrow victory in Massachusetts (remember she won Mass. by 15 points against Obama and still lost the primary in 2008). But Bernie Sanders had resounding wins in CO & MN. Those two states are much more indicative of the states that are coming in the rest of the primary schedule.

All of these Southern states were Hillary Clinton’s best states (by the way, also irrelevant places to have strength in for the general election). She’s used up most of her ammo and doesn’t even know what kind of trouble she’s in. Right before the voting, she pivoted toward the right again in anticipation of the general election. Big mistake. She can’t help herself; she lives and breaths arrogance.

Tonight could have been the knock out punch if Clinton had won CO & MN. But she didn’t! She lost them big. Now, he has a $40 million war chest and favorable map in front of him. Feel the Bern!

Time is on Bernie’s side. The more he runs, the more people find out about him. Everyone already knows Clinton. She’s gaining no new voters. Every day he gains ground. So, now he lives to fight many other days. She is in a race against time and she didn’t close the door tonight. Tick, tock. Tick, tock!

March 8th is huge because whoever wins Michigan has momentum going into March 15th — the real Super Tuesday (FL, OH, IL, NC and MO). That’s Colossal Tuesday. And maybe the Ides of March for Hillary Clinton.

This article originally appeared in The Huffington Post on March 2, 2016


  1. Hilary doesn’t seem to be very strong in the non Southern states (many of which its hard to find two Democrats to rub together) either pulling off marginal victories or losing. After his debate performance last night, I’d fully expect Bernie to do better then the polls suggest in Florida. One of the reasons polling is so far off is probably because of how they are doing it – young people don’t have houses with home phones in them any more.

  2. Massachusetts is NOT VT NH or NY: we havemajor Dem machines for establishment candidates, & mean avg. salary $100,000

  3. I hope you are right. In 1930’s , after the Crash, we got Roosevelt and Europe got Hitler. No , Trump is not Hitler, but he is a Fascist. Bernie is as good as Roosevelt,Kennedy ,Johnsone anytime. I will add Eisenhower to that list of Presidents who helped the middle class and helped the lower class become middle class.

  4. try nate silver’s fivethirtyeight.com top right allows look at the ODDS of winning based on polling. all for hillary. march 5: louisiana 99%+. march 8: michigan & mississippi 99%+. march 15: florida & illinois 99%+. north carolina 95%. ohio 94%. huh.

  5. On Super Tuesday, Ben Mankiewicz made some suggestions to the Bernie campaign that I very much want to review again.

    Anyone got a link to that segment of the show or a transcript?

  6. As a Bernie supporter, when I looked up the results online of super tuesday every article was saying how Hillary is going to get the nomination without a fight after winning in Massachusetts. As biased as it is, I searched desperately to find a news source that said otherwise. I was very discouraged, until I found tyt’s take on the situation. I feel like Bernie still has a great chance (as long as he starts to campaign more agressively) at getting the nomination, he’s the most electable and honest canidate for many many years. He can do amazing things for this country as long as Bernie’s supporters show up to vote. Even here in Kentucky I’m still showing up to vote, even though it’s a lost cause, because I want to do whatever I can to help. It’s amazing that you guys are giving us hope while very other “news” source is trying to tell us it’s a lost cause. And for whoever reads this, it’s so so so important to get to the polls! This may be the last chance to save this country from corruption, and one of the delagates awarded was decided by A1

  7. Yeah, spread the message!

    Long time YouTube watcher & recent subscriber, saw this on Huffington Post and recognized the wording in the content before I saw the author. Had to join to reward this, as I understand Huffington doesn’t, and they (along with many other internet news outlets) have been touting Hillary like there’s no tomorrow.

    Keep up the good work.

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