Monsanto To Blame? Zika Virus Conspiracy Theory Explained

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson1 Comment


A group of Argentine physicians have publicly questioned the cause of the outbreak of microcephaly in Brazil, is it the Zika virus or something else? The group is claiming that Monsanto is to blame for the outbreak NOT the Zika virus. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

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“The microcephaly outbreak in Brazil, which coincided with the spread of the Zika virus, continues to stun the world, even months after the incident was first reported.

Pregnant women all over the world have been advised to take caution. The Zika virus infection has been linked to newborn babies with the birth defect microcephaly. This is a congenital condition in which babies are born with unusually tiny heads.

The notion, however, has recently been challenged by a group of Argentine physicians. The group suspects that the Zika virus is not to blame for the rise in microcephaly cases, but that a toxic larvicide introduced into Brazil’s water supplies may be the real culprit.

According to the Physicians in Crop-Sprayed Towns (PCST), a chemical larvicide that produces malformations in mosquitoes was injected into Brazil’s water supplies in 2014 in order to stop the development of mosquito larvae in drinking water tanks.”*


  1. (OK, right video, sorry for spamming the Kanye West is pathetic (which he is, holy hell how can someone be this stupid))
    Very nice report! A little sad I only see my country in international news when something goes horribly wrong but this IS really relevant to the international community, especially with the Olympics this year (oh god it’s going to be a disaster, why rio why?)

    The Zika virus here in Brazil has affected mostly northeastern states (The region where Pernambuco is), although not to extent of PE. However, here in the state of São Paulo, in the Southeast, we also have cases of microcephaly that maybe linked to Zika. In my city (Campinas) there are aprox. 16 cases. Around here, the medical community has more or less accepted the idea of Zika-related microcephaly because it would not be the first congenital disease to cause such damage. Infection by CMV (cytomegalovirus), Rubéola (German measles, I believe it is called in english) also can do that. Actually, the type of microcephaly allegedly caused by congenital Zika, with a lot of calcifications in the already altered brain, is very similar to the one caused by CMV.

    Of course, any new research is always welcome and if it can be proved that the larvicide also has something to do with this very sad epidemic, well, both the OMS, which tested it and deemed it safe for use in public health situations, and Sumitomo Chemicals will have a lot to answer for.

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