
  1. Watching the debates on TYT is a must from now on. You guys are ALWAYS sooo much fun and spot on with commentary. Nobody does it better than TYT! Jimmy was a riot and John with the Dog Gif was perfect. Ive never seen Cenk laugh so hard!!!

  2. total failure, i missed the entire debate because they are always talking over people.

    maybe they need to do it on a one hour delay so they can pause it while talking and let it run when they stop talking. this would be good to add commentary between statements made by these right-wing clowns.

  3. First time ever I’ve wished jimmy would maybe talk a bit less and interject with jokes less. During the regular show is great. A large portion of their sidebar discussions and jokes made it hard to hear what they were saying as well as what was going on in the debate. Couldn’t tell what anyone was saying

  4. I was very upset upon hearing this was a FIRETALK EXCLUSIVE, which frankly SUX ASS! I am on an ANDROID system and therefore LOCKED OUT….. TYT needs to take this into consideration when broadcasting a SPECIAL EVENT. I am not happy about getting to see it THE DAY AFTER when I made it a point to be home to watch.
    Sometimes it seems petty when members are upset when Cenk isn’t hosting the daily, etc,, but last night was not thought out and nothere was no consideration for members with no access, especially when TYT goes out of their way to give access to all members….
    Last nights event was a FAIL.
    Sad day for us, huh Cenk?

    1. When was the last time they bothered considering the members anyway? I mean, there’s advertisers and YouTube hits to consider instead.

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