The Young Turks November 16, 2015 Hour 1

In Membership, The Young Turks Shows - Podcast Audio by klingbeil210 Comments

Cenk hosting. After the attacks in Paris, Conservatives continue to bash Obama and Democrats as weak on foreign policy and the war on terror. Cenk reads quotes from the president calling Islam a religion of peace among other glowing things about the religion overall, separating Muslims from the terrorists. In reality, it was President Bush that said and did all of these things just a few days after 9/11. Video of GW Bush’s quote calling Islam, peace. Donald Trump said he’d consider shutting down Muslim mosques. Video of Trump saying he’d be pained to do it, but he’d be open to shutting them down. Video of Trump immediately claiming, “many others” will do it…not him. ISIS has released a new video where they threaten Washington DC in the wake of the Paris attacks. Video of the new terror threats. Cenk hopes that these attacks and threats don’t continue to force us to change who we are. Anonymous has declared war on ISIS after the French attack. Video of portions of their threats to the terror group. American intelligence groups are criticizing Anonymous’ efforts, claiming that they get in the way and derail their intelligence efforts that are working.


Multiple state governors have declared that they will not accept refugees fleeing violence in their home countries in wake of the Paris attacks, despite Obama’s decision to keep accepting refugees. Ted Cruz wants to only admit Christian refugees, leaving Muslims behind. Video of President Obama criticizing this line of thinking as Un-American; to have a religious test for allowing refugees in. Cenk reminds these Republicans that the Statue of Liberty is engraved with words that espouse opposing views to theirs. The results and perceived winner of the Democratic debate seem to be straightforward. Video of Hillary Clinton curiously connecting her buddy relationship with Wall St to 9/11. Video of Bernie Sanders focusing on the fact that campaign contributions mean the big donors want a return on their investment. Democratic insiders called the win for Hillary. Sarah Palin spoke with CBS about the latest in her life. Video of Palin being asked about Bristol’s 2nd pregnancy out of wedlock despite their preaching and judging against others doing it. Palin responded to criticism by saying God gives them 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th chances, so it’s ok. Video of Palin being asked about the loss in ‘08; that she was to blame.

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