The thirty-seven Republican candidates on stage last night threw out a ton of facts and figures. It’s hard to know what’s true and what’s false, especially with Carly “Fastest Liar in the West” Fiorina involved. Fear not, John Iadarola (Think Tank), Jimmy Dore (The Jimmy Dore Show Podcast), and Margaret Howell (The Lip TV), hosts of the The Young Turks, break it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.
“Carly Fiorina has a long history of playing fast and loose with numbers, even those that have been debunked, and she was at it again in tonight’s GOP debate. Among other things, Fiorina accused Hillary Clinton of hypocrisy because, Fiorina said, the policies she supports are unequivocally bad for women…
It’s not actually an original line. The Republican National Committee developed the statistic when Mitt Romney ran against Obama in 2012. And fact-checkers found that while it’s not totally untrue, it’s quite deceptive. Between January 2009 and March 2012 there was a net loss of 740,000 jobs. And during that time, women had a net job loss of 683,000, which is 92 percent of the total.”*
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