Girl Delivers Heartwarming Plea To Pope Francis

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments


Sophie Cruz greeted the Pope yesterday as he was visiting in D.C. Keep in mind there were barricades that protected him from the crowds but she managed to get through those barricades just to talk to him and give him a letter. The letter urged him to do something immigration in the United States.

Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian (The Point) hosts of The Young Turks discuss. Did Sophie’s letter tug at your heart strings? Let us know in the comments?

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Like thousands of people on Wednesday, she waited anxiously for the “people’s pope” to pass by on the National Mall. Francis had said he wanted to step out of the popemobile, spontaneously, and greet the American people. But he hadn’t; the security threat was too great, the barriers too many.

As Francis passed, Sophie slipped past the barricade and started to walk toward the popemobile. The security guards stopped her in her tracks.

But then the papal procession stopped, too; suddenly, the pope beckoned the little girl. A guard carried Sophie to Francis, and the “son of an immigrant family” – as the pope boldly called himself next to Barack Obama earlier in the morning – embraced the daughter of another immigrant family, in the middle of the street, in a moment instantly beamed across the world.

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