#DroughtShaming Puts Water Wasting Estates On Blast

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson1 Comment


“The hard data on Cali’s biggest water hogs may not be publicly available, but we all have eyes and a smartphone. So, as another season of “exceptional drought” descends on the West, people sick of witnessing egregious water waste in their backyard are taking to social media to vent.

#droughtshaming is blowing up. And it’s shoving another of California’s problems—vast income inequality—into an uncomfortable spotlight.

When drought shaming first started last summer, it was a state sanctioned activity. California passed a law that could fine residents up to $500 per day for wasteful activities that include hosing down driveways and overwatering lawns. (Recently, the state governor proposed to up that max daily penalty to $10,000.)” *

Becca Frucht (http://www.twitter.com/beccafrucht) and Ana Kasparian (http://www.twitter.com/AnaKasparian) discuss on The Young Turks. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

*Read more here http://gizmodo.com/californias-wealthiest-are-being-drought-shamed-on-soci-1705022692


  1. Last statistic I read, fracking in California was sucking up 80,000,000+ gallons of water. Since each well uses millions of gallons to get start I suspect that estimate is low.

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