Cop Caught Stealing Money On Tape [VIDEO]

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments


“The New York Police Department has suspended a veteran detective without pay after he was caught on video allegedly pocketing $2,650 cash from a store during a cigarette raid.

Det. Ian Cyrus, 49, is seen in the video reaching into a cabinet below the cash register during Friday’s raid. He then appears to place something into his pocket out of view of the others in the store.

The store’s manager, Ali Abdullah, said it’s the money he’s been saving to pay the rent. Abdullah told local media that he didn’t notice the money was missing right away and thought his workers stole it — until he checked the store’s surveillance camera.

“I was shocked it was a cop,” Abdullah told the New York Post. “I [can understand] a thief coming inside the store and stealing, but cops? No.”

Cyrus has declined to comment to local media. However, a woman who identified herself as his wife said he’s innocent.”

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Cenk Uygur ( and Ana Kasparian ( break it down on The Young Turks with Ben Mankiwicz of What The Flick? and Turner Classic Movies.

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