Birth Control May Change Your Brain Damage Study Says

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments


“Birth control pills have some troubling possible side effects, including altering a woman’s mood and even her choice of romantic partner. A new study adds another potential concern to the list: Hormonal contraception may shrink portions of the brain and affect their function.

It’s possible that the synthetic hormones found in the Pill — and possibly the suppression of natural hormones that occurs when women are using the Pill — cause these alterations in brain structure and function, according to a new study publishedin the journal Human Brain Mapping.

In a study conducted on 90 women, neuroscientists at UCLA found that two key brain regions, the lateral orbitofrontal cortex and the posterior cigulate cortex, were thinner in women who used oral contraception than in women who did not.”

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Cenk Uygur ( and Ana Kasparian ( break it down on The Young Turks with Ben Mankiwicz of What The Flick? and Turner Classic Movies.

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