Republicans Want A President Willing To Nuke Muslim Countries

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments


Cenk Uygur ( host of The Young Turks discusses the reactions by Republican officials to Rand Paul’s announced campaign for the Presidential race in 2016.

“‘Defeat the Washington machine, unleash the American Dream’ is the first slogan from the Rand Paul campaign, and its not a slogan everyone in the GOP is enjoying. Particularly rubbed the wrong way is a number of news outlets and conservative think tanks that plan an aggressive attack campaign against Paul on his views on Iran and his views of Obama’s administration. The attack advertisements claim that if Paul is elected Iran will surely get a nuclear weapon and bring about the destruction of the United States. Others praised Paul, including fellow candidate hopeful Senator Ted Cruz. Most of the negative reactions focused on Paul’s foreign policy stance and his plans to ‘fix’ a federal government that some don’t see as broken.”

What is your reaction to Rand Paul announcing his Presidential campaign? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.

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Police Dog Mauls Unarmed Man, Rand Paul Presidential Campaign, GOP Wants Nukes Used, Silly Items In Rand Paul Store – The Young Turks Hour 1, 4/7/2015

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