The GOP Balanced Budget Plan – What’s The Catch?

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments


“John Iadaola ( discusses the plan by House Republicans to have the budget balanced in the next nine years. But at what cost?

The national budget has always been an unwieldy mistress at the best of times. A Republican president hasn’t had the budget under control since Dwight Eisenhower. However, House Republicans have put together a plan to have the budget balanced and to cut government spending by over five trillion dollars in the next nine years. The catch? The budget for military spending and war funding would be boosted from President Obama’s proposed $51 billion to a large $90 billion.

The leader of the new proposed budget, House Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price’s plan would also repeal Obamacare without offering a replacement program and several programs for lower income families. The plan is also full of legal loopholes, including a move to keep the Democrats from being able to filibuster the bill at anytime.”

Is a balanced budget worth the GOP plan? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.

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Murderer Durst, Jihad On A Plane, Ted Cruz Scares Girl, GOP Budget – The Young Turks, 03/17/2015

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