Jihad Passenger Forced Emergency Landing

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson1 Comment


“John Iadaola (https://twitter.com/jiadarola) and Hannah Cranston (https://twitter.com/hannahcranston_) discuss a United Airlines flight that was forced to land after passenger yelled ‘Jihad!’

United Flight 1074, a Boeing 737 heading to Denver from Dulles International Airport, was forced to land after a passenger charged the cockpit while repetitively yelling ‘Jihad!’ at the top of his lungs. There are currently no indications of why the man, who authorities say has no terrorist connects, decided to rush the cockpit or have this outburst. He was quickly subdued by other passengers who were having none of his shenanigans. The plane was forced to return to Dulles where it made a safe emergency landing.

The man is currently not being charged with any crime but is still in custody by authorities.”

Is it still too soon after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 for this sort of thing? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.

Read more here: http://www.cnn.com/2015/03/17/travel/united-airlines-flight-unruly-passenger/


Murderer Durst, Jihad On A Plane, Ted Cruz Scares Girl, GOP Budget – The Young Turks, 03/17/2015


  1. To soon after 9/11 has little to do with it. Just like even before 9/11 you where not allowed to yell “bomb” or “I’ve got a gun” yelling this phrase is just as stupid and probably intended to invoke the same response. They should be charged.

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