Texas Plan Would Assign Lawyers to Fetuses

In Fowler Show on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments

In the aftermath of a high-profile legal battle over a brain-dead woman who was kept on life support against her family’s wishes because she was pregnant, one Texas lawmaker is readying a bill that would re-open the contentious debate.
According to the Dallas Morning News, a Republican lawmaker is preparing to introduce a piece of legislation that would appoint legal representation for fetuses in future disputes over whether pregnant women should remain hooked up to life support. State Rep. Matt Krause (R) believes that will allow a judge to hear both sides of the issue before making a decision about what to do.
“You’ll hear what the family wants, and you’ll also give the pre-born child a chance to have a voice in court at that same time,” Krause told the Dallas Morning News.
This issue sparked considerable controversy in Texas about a year ago, when the family of Marlise Machado Muñoz was prohibited from removing her from a ventilator after she suffered a blood clot that rendered her brain dead. Muñoz was about 14 weeks pregnant when she lost consciousness, and her family suspected that the subsequent lack of oxygen had severely harmed her fetus. They said Muñoz never wanted to be kept breathing with the help of machines, and they wanted to say goodbye — but the hospital treating Muñoz wouldn’t comply.


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