“When Mitt Romney’s digital team wanted to send out a tweet during the 2012 campaign, it wasn’t easy for them. A new paper by Daniel Kreiss, an assistant professor at UNC Chapel Hill (and flagged by Brendan Nyhan on Twitter), finds that, late in the campaign, as many as 22 people had to sign off on the language of each tweet from the @MittRomney feed. That’s according to Romney’s digital integration director Caitlin Checkett, who said:
CHECKETT: “So whether it was a tweet, Facebook post, blog post, photo — anything you could imagine — it had to be sent around to everyone for approval. Towards the end of the campaign that was 22 individuals who had to approve it. … The digital team unfortunately did not have the opportunity to think of things on their own and post them.”
Romney’s digital director Zac Moffatt concurred, telling Kreiss the campaign had “the best tweets ever written by 17 people … It was the best they all could agree on every single time.””* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.
*Read more here:
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