1. How old are you and what state do you live in?
I’m 32. I’ve been living in NYC for 2 years 1/2. I’m originally from Puerto Rico.
2. When did you become a member of TYT?
About two or a year and a half ago. I think. Maybe more.
3. How do you consume the show?
I watch it live when I can. If I miss it I see it religiously by parts on Youtube. Sometimes I go to the Archives.
4. What field do you work in?
I’m a professional 2D, 3D Character animator and animator generalist.
5. How would you describe TYT in 5 words or less?
Nuanced, entertaining, promising future for media.
6. Do you have a favorite TYT moment?
I have a really bad memory. I have plenty of favorite moments. Difficult to choose from. The countdown of children that got hit by drone strikes was very powerful, but I wouldn’t count that as a favorite of course. It’s just something that really hit me. In a lighter way. The special event when the whole staff got together to see the Game of Thrones season finale. I would have never spent an hour watching a youtube channel reaction video but I love you guys, so I did. I really, really enjoy the interviews. I wish there were more. The Sam Harris one was amazing.
7. Who is your favorite co-host? Why?
Cenk. It’s a cliché, but yea, no doubt. Dominates the camera. Strong opinions, sometimes too many funny voices but that’s how he is, its fine. I really like the whole crew.
8. What motivated you to take the extra step of becoming a paying member?
I donate to other media from time to time. I thought I would like to pick just one to support monthly. It was TYT because it’s for a younger audience and I think it’s incredibly important. I work on a computer all day so I have background stuff running on the time keeping me entertained while I work. I hear a lot of progressive shows and compare their coverage. I listen religiously Democracy Now! which for me is number one, I also listen to David Pakman, Sam Seder, The Real News, sometimes Ring of Fire and I’m starting to listen to Secular Talk. While Democracy Now! is my favorite of all and I donate to them from time to time. TYT gives sort of the same message to a wider audience and a younger one. And I think its super valuable to have that. Even though Democracy Now! coverage is a lot broader in terms of important issues and giving a voice to the voiceless.
9. Are surprised that the The Young Turks has grown into a multiplatform network of multiple channels?
No I’m not. And I’m glad. And it’s really inspiring. I wish we had a TYT in Puerto Rico. I was surprised that TYT exists, but because of the content I wasn’t surprised that it was successful. I told Cenk on Twitter that show is superior to the Daily Show. He didn’t believe me. I think Cenk hasn’t realized it, but it is. Being funnier or a better host doesn’t make a show better.
10. Cenk often talks about the TYT brand as “truth telling.” What does this mean to you as a member?
That the show analyzes, compare facts from different sources in order to provide us the best analysis possible. And to say those facts regardless of personal interests.
11. Which TYT host would you get coffee with? Which one would you go to the bar with? Who would you have dinner with?
Coffee: Ana.
Bar: Jimmy Dore.
Dinner: All of you guys.
12. If you were a co-host on the show, which story would you cover? Why?
This is a great opportunity for me here to say this. I’ve tried many times to contact TYT and recommend stories all the time. Never sure if I’m being heard. So I’ve been annoyingly persistent. I tried twitter, e-mail everything. I recommended an interview with Ray McGovern and provided his info. I’m not sure if I was responsible on getting him on the show in some way.
Like I said I watch Democracy Now! And I constantly hear stories that I wish TYT covered and did not. Some of them are things I really think that Cenk might not be aware of. I’m going to list them here, I can provide you information and people to interview on each one of this cases:
- Guatemala, Rios Mont trial. A dictator responsible for a genocide in the 80’s. Had great ties with the CIA, Reagan and Israel. Right now that dictator is on trial. Frist latin American dictator brought to trial. Latin America is a dark part on the US history that doesn’t get mentioned on TYT and many other media at all. Not only Guatemala, but Nicaragua, Argentina, Salvador, Cuba, Chile, Venezuela.
- The current Mexico’s missing students. Really? No coverage TYT? What’s going on? Journalists are even being killed regularly there. The US has strong ties with the Mexican government we share some responsibility as well. A lot has to do with the so called war on drugs. I could recommend a journalist you guys could interview who is easy to get in contact with.
- I think the Ukraine issue has been addressed highly irresponsible on TYT. Let me make it clear. I’m not a Putin lover and I don’t like the guy. But there is a lot more going on there from what TYT is reporting. Speak to people like Stephen Cohen, Robert Perry or Ray McGovern about the subject.
- It would be great if Cenk talked about the USS liberty that was attacked by Israel long ago. It’s the best example of how far we bow our heads toward Israel. Speak to Ray McGovern about that too, he has a personal experience with that.
- I think TYT should have a show about the Unspeakable history of the US. How we got here. TYT focuses on current events. But I believe that by knowing and understanding your past and where we come from is crucial in working towards change. We know about the industrial complex thanks to Eisenhower. But we don’t talk about the CIA enough. I think that it’s an agency that has been a shadow on our democracy and that it has way too much power and control. Look at what’s going on with the torture report. That fear and control comes from something. We have an immensely powerful apparatus in our government that has no accountability. Nothing could be more terrifying than that. No check and balances what so ever. The first person who warned us just like Eisenhower about the military industrial complex was the CIA’s own founder. President Truman. In a small article he wrote for a newspaper that got buried by history. He said the CIA was casting a shadow over our democracy and that it has deviated from the purpose for which he created it, which was to give unfiltered information directly to the president, not to engage on strange activities. We need to get money out of politics, but we also need to get rid of that agency and create a new one. There must be a huge investigation to all their activities. Everything went dead after the Church committee. We must retake that. I think TYT and other media should refer back to what the CIA has done to the past on future stories. The CIA has gotten so out of hand that it has grown to a point that they have their own air force. If there is a threat to the constitution it is the CIA. Speak about the school of the Americas, about the CIA using Cuban exiles to do terrorism on Latin America. How does it tie with today’s events? The Dulles brothers by its own it’s an amazing super interesting subject to cover. If you are wondering why we have big messes all over the world, how we got in where we are with Iran, look no further than the Dulles brothers. It has just ben released a confirmation from what were rumors. That the Dulles Brothers brought Nazi soldiers and scientists to the US. Even more, look for the origins of the “enhanced interrogation”. It’s a Gustapo term from their manuals. One thing I greatly disagree with Cenk is that he constantly say that we need to take our country back. The reality is the total opposite. America with all it great ideals and innovations was a system that benefited white men. We killed the natives, slaved people and kicked Mexicans out of their land. An example of how Freedom was exclusive for white men is to look at how the US reacted when Haiti got its freedom the same way we did. All our liberties and freedoms have come from grassroots movements. We have been gaining equality and a better country by the times. Thanks to people like King. We don’t need to take our country back, we have to create that country we believe is more just and true. The first brick was the constitution. And it’s a project that is ongoing.
There are countless of people I could recommend you guys to interview. Yes! Do more interviews! Get people like Alan Nairn, John Pilger, Norman Finklestein, Chris Hedges, Amy Goodman, Naomi Klein, Michael Ratner, Barbara Ehrenreich, *Eduardo Galeano, Joshua Oppenheimer, Tariq Ali, Robert Perry, Phil Donahue, Rigoberta Menchu, Breaking the Silence and many others. You guys can go to http://www.lannan.org/programs/events/ Most of this people have spoken there. This site is like the Ted Talks of peop0le like Noam Chomsky, Amy Goodman and Jeremy Scahill. Lannan is a gem of a site. You can type the name of the person on the blank and the talk would appear. TYT should organizations and people like this and collaborate. We all have the same goals.
13. Have you ever communicated with other TYT fans? If so, how?
No. I don’t consider myself to be a fan of anything that doesn’t have to do with music. He, he. I have met people by accident that have seen the show. But I haven’t seek to meet any.
14. Has the show convinced you to change your position on a particular issue?
Many, many issues. It happens constantly so it’s hard to give an example. Sometimes it’s not just changing my mind but allowing me have a more grounded opinion on something which I didn’t had the information about.
15. Have you ever referred membership to anyone? If so, what did you say?
No. I have recommended TYT to a lot of people. And I pass videos along. I tried to talk to my girlfriend into watching the show. Didn’t work. :-/ sorry. Mission failed.
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