Fox & Friend’s Call For Literacy Tests Reveals Deep, Deep Irony

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments


“In recent years, conservatives seeking to suppress voter turnout have typically favored voter ID legislation, which disproportionately harms minority groups, but the co-hosts of “Fox & Friends” have another idea: bring back poll tests.

Discussing a proposal that would require North Dakota students to correctly answer 60 out of 100 questions on a civics test in order to graduate from high school, the program’s Steve Doocy lamented that teens graduate from high school not knowing “squat” about American history. But Doocy wouldn’t stop at testing high school students.

“I think not only would it be great if high school students had to have a proficiency in America,” Doocy said, “but I think they should have a test before you vote.”

Doocy’s co-hosts heartily agreed.”* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

*Read more here:

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