Interview With Member #247 Dave Hueston

In [DEAD] Member Interview by hmdalloul0 Comments

1. How old are you and what state do you live in?
I’m 45, originally from NYC but live in Tokyo.
2.When did you become a member of TYT?
You actually would have to answer that for me. I believe it was in 2008 or 2009 but gotta check the records on that.
3. How do you consume the show?
I watch both hours of the main show when I have time or pick out the stories that might interest me to watch on YouTube.
4.What field do you work in?
I’m a journalist working in Tokyo. I work for the largest Japanese wire service.
5. How would you describe TYT in 5 words or less?
No holds barred honesty.
6. Do you have a favorite TYT moment?
Cenk on republican chair Reince Priebus: Fuck Reince Priebus!
7. Who is your favorite co-host? Why?
Ben. He’s the perfect foil to Cenk, keeps him reined in. Cenk, as we all know, gives rational and convincing arguments but can be a bit emotional (overbearing?) at times. Ben keeps him in check and will even challenge him on points which is refreshing.
8. What motivated you to take the extra step of becoming a paying member?
I wanted full access to all the shows, period. Plus I wanted to be part of the TYT community.
9. Are you surprised that the The Young Turks has grown into a multiplatform network of multiple channels?
Not surprised at all. TYT is the future. Mainstream media is a dying breed.
10. Cenk often talks about the TYT brand as “truth telling.” What does this mean to you as a member?
Being as honest as possible. Most important, if you’re right factually on an issue fine, but if you’re wrong, admit it. Cenk follows this to a tee.
11. Which TYT host would you get coffee with? Which one would you go to the bar with? Who would you have dinner with?
I’d grab a coffee with Jimmy Dore, go to a bar with Cenk, definitely dinner with Ana.
12. If you were a co-host on the show, which story would you cover? Why?
In a corrupt system is there really any hope? The Washington establishment is so entrenched it feels like we’re just spinning our wheels. As Cenk points out money in politics is the number one issue and he’s shining a light on it. But how do you really break the barrier with so many corrupt people in the system? Apathy is the worst of all since not enough people care but the story should be told until there’s a breakthrough.
13. Have you ever communicated with other TYT fans? If so, how?
I’ve run into other TYT fans in Tokyo.
14. Has the show convinced you to change your position on a particular issue?
I have changed my stance on Obama over the past six years. He keeps coming up short and TYT always points this out.
15. Have you ever referred membership to anyone? If so, what did you say?
I’ve spoken to family, friends and people I’ve met about TYT. Some are interested to check it out and do, others show a vague, noncommittal interest. The people who do watch tell me they enjoy it.
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