1. How old are you and what state do you live in?
29 years old, born and raised exclusively in my beloved, but backwards state of Oklahoma.
2. When did you become a member of TYT?
It’s been so long, I honestly don’t remember. I know it was before 2009.
All I remember are the low definition videos, and seeing Ana grow up alongside me from a young kid to a mature, professional adult. Crazy stuff, seeing everyone & everything change over time.
It’s been so long, I honestly don’t remember. I know it was before 2009.
All I remember are the low definition videos, and seeing Ana grow up alongside me from a young kid to a mature, professional adult. Crazy stuff, seeing everyone & everything change over time.
I loved TYT from the very first video. You can just recognize intelligence, ya know? Cenk & the TYT staff were patriots long before they became famous.
3. How do you consume the show?
I try to make time to listen to the show ever day. At the very least, Hour 1. That is what is important to me. Hour 2 just pulls you in sometimes!
I try to catch it anytime I’m driving or going to the store via podcast. During the summer I listen to the podcast while mowing my lawn which makes it a blast to do.
Normally I listen/watch the video on my tablet on the treadmill or using waterproof headphones during a relaxing bath. I watch TYT to wind down and relax, not just stay informed.
On the weekends, I am often disappointed there is no show to listen to.
4. What field do you work in?
I am a full time mentor for underprivileged children and a part time game developer/programmer.
5. How would you describe TYT in 5 words or less?
Powerful. Honest. Integrity. Intelligence. Genius.
6. Do you have a favorite TYT moment?
When Cenk talks about Wolf-Pac and uses Game of Thrones quotes.
Specifically, the red wedding of Vaillancourt. Whenever Cenk ended that powerful segment, it was an iconic moment in history: “Wolf-Pac sends its regards.”
7. Who is your favorite co-host? Why?
Jimmy. He is both hilarious and extremely honest. I love his no-bullshit statements and mockery of lukewarm journalists/politicians. #MoreDore
8. What motivated you to take the extra step of becoming a paying member?
The moment I could afford to, I signed up for basic membership. When I got offended by something that occurred often during a particular a week or two, I protested by increasing my membership to Producer. Don’t ask, it made sense at the time, lol. I couldn’t bare to not fund TYT, but I wanted to make a statement.
The moment I found out about Wolf-Pac, I signed up for membership. If I had more money, I’d raise my membership ASAP.
I think TYT is invaluable and a huge necessity for America. We need more patriots like TYT.
9. Are you surprised that the The Young Turks has grown into a multiplatform network of multiple channels?
Not really. I am not surprised because of the high demand for truth and honesty in journalism. The low quality of typical journalism is pathetic, so the first high quality show that came along, or hell – just the first show that wasn’t full of shit, would be a major success. It makes sense that TYT would fill that need in the market because TYT is Too Strong!
10. Cenk often talks about the TYT brand as “truth telling.” What does this mean to you as a member?
Honesty. Reality. Most of the time it means pointing out the idiocy or insanity of republicans and the weakness or cowardice of democrats. Point out political corruption and hypocrisy. Tell it like it is Cenk! Seriously though, where else will you get journalists who talk about the obvious evils or irrational lunacy of republicans? I wish I could buy everyone at TYT a “Republican Tears” mug, just so they’d have it to drink from on a daily basis. Mmmm, those delicious, sweet republican tears…
11. Which TYT host would you get coffee with? Which one would you go to the bar with? Who would you have dinner with?
Coffee with John Iadarola, if I could wake up that early.
Bar with Jimmy, since he would make it a lot of fun.
Dinner with Cenk, because it’s Cenk. My hero list is very short, and he is definitely near the top.
12. If you were a co-host on the show, which story would you cover? Why?
More stories about Oklahoma, and how destructive and harmful the republicans are when they cut social programs to give tax cuts to the rich. Put some faces to their immoral actions. Democrats are so weak, I never see them blast republicans by putting a human face to those social program cuts.
I, along with THOUSANDS of others, lost my job as a behavioral health rehabilitation specialist, with over 30,000 children and adults no longer receiving services, because our evil governor wanted to cut taxes for the rich another 0.5%. That, and refusing the medicaid expansion. Oklahoma bleeds as the rich profit… but no one cares, because “Oklahoma doesn’t matter.” politically.
13. Have you ever communicated with other TYT fans? If so, how?
Nope. I’ve only ever trolled the TYT trolls in the youtube comments. You know, those republitards and perverts who flood the comments. I sometimes argue with those morons. Rarely talk to legitimate fans.
14. Has the show convinced you to change your position on a particular issue?
Probably. I love TYT because I agree with them on most issues, and the times we disagree- neither side will be changing their mind anytime soon. TYT probably influenced me to be a lot more anti-Obama though, and anti-democrat in general. Not that I loved them in the first place or anything… I have no pride in democrats to promote their cause. I always tell everyone I know “For the love of God don’t vote republican. I don’t care who you vote for. Or if you even vote. Just don’t vote for republicans!”
15. Have you ever referred membership to anyone? If so, what did you say?
I probably have a mentioned it a few times in a subtle way. Try to heavily emphasize that I am a member and why. No one else I know is as big of a fan though. Not sure why though because TYT is amazing. It perplexes me when people aren’t also fans. My wife likes TYT though, since she’s so awesome, but that’s about it unfortunately.
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