Nancy Grace Stuns With Her Shocking Michael Brown Opinion

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson2 Comments


““There’s nothing here, not even a bruise.” Nancy Grace gives her blunt analysis on Darren Wilson’s testimony. Several attorneys have commented on the way St. Louis prosecutor Bob McCulloch conducted the non-prosecution “against” Wilson and Wilson’s testimony. Grace is known as someone who is always defending the actions of police officers. Not this time.

Grace: ”The grand jurors are like sheep, they’re babes in the woods. The prosecutor’s duty is to seek the truth. I am telling you that the prosecutors, if they want an indictment, they will get an indictment. When I went to a grand jury, I went to the grand jury on each case because I believed the offense had been committed and I had the right guy or the police had the right guy, and I went in there to present our evidence. If I didn’t think there was a case I would never have gone to the grand jury. You don’t use the grand jury to achieve your personal gain, to achieve what you want them to do. You go in to get a true verdict.””* The Young Turks hosts John Iadarola (TYT University) and Ben Mankiewicz break it down.

*Read more here:


  1. I cant even bring myself to watch this when you have zits and aladdin’s junk on the side bar. Unlike most of your titles this is the opposite of click bait.

  2. When Nancy Grace appeared first appeared on TV all those years ago, I actually liked her, but over the years she has become more animated and cartoon like. I wish she would tone it down a little. The tipping point for me was during the Casey Anthony case where Nancy Grace started using the term “Tot Mom”. It became such an annoying phrase I couldn’t stand to watch her anymore.

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