Lt Governor Wants To Arrest Michael Brown’s Stepfather

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson1 Comment


“Missouri Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder told conservative radio host Laura Ingraham that Michael Brown’s stepfather should be arrested for his role in the riots that followed the grand jury’s decision not to indict Darren Wilson in the shooting death of his stepson.

After the St. Louis County prosecutor announced the grand jury’s decision, Louis Head was filmed exhorting protesters to “Burn this bitch down!”

“When you heard that sound-bite from the stepfather of Michael Brown,” Ingraham said, “what was your reaction?”

“That he should be arrested and charged with inciting to riot,” Kinder replied.”* The Young Turks hosts John Iadarola (TYT University) and Ben Mankiewicz break it down.

*Read more here:


  1. So what was Laura Ingraham doing by talking about the ‘looting’ sign? Sounded like she was trying to encourage people to jump to conclusions and just shoot people who they think might be looting. In her world it sounds like deadly force is the first thing to do rather than the last…So if this Kinder fellow would be consistent he should have pointed out that it could be interpreted that Laura was inciting violence too. What strange oddly hypocritical mindsets.

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