Standard Chiropractic Procedure Kills Man

In Secular Talk on YouTube by Hlarson4 Comments

A 30-year-old Oklahoma man’s death has opened questions about routine chiropractic procedures.

Jeremy Youngblood suffered a stroke after undergoing neck manipulation June 9 at his chiropractor’s office in Ada, reported KFOR-TV, but his family said no one there called 911…

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  1. Unfortunate that someone who commands an audience can be so completely misinformed.

    If the “journalist” did his homework, he would know that the rate of stroke following a visit to a chiropractor is the same as the rate of stroke following a visit to a “real doctor”.

    The reason being, the patient sought treatment for neck pain and headaches from these primary care practitioners, which were the early symptoms of a stroke already in progress.

    I suggest the “journalist” read some of the evidence published in peer reviewed journals produced by MD’s, PhD’s, and DC’s. Studies authored by Cassidy et al, Cote, Carey, and Scott Haldeman to name a fiew.

    In addition, it is standard practice for chiropractors to provide informed consent to patients about the risks associated with cervical manipulation. Which are so rare by the way that it has never been determined if a relationship even exists. Furthermore, the risks associated with taking commonly prescribed medications such as NSAIDS (Non steroidal anti inflammatories) are much worse.

    Please do your homework and be responsible with your role as a public figure on social media.

  2. Kyle, I usually share a similar opinion to yours, but in this case your knowledge on the matter is rudimentary.

    Please go do some research before making comments about chiropractors and the profession. Give a call or email to the University of Western States (the most science based chiro school around) and ask them to fill you in. Look at the curriculum and tell me that chiropractic isn’t science or evidence based. I’m sure you won’t do it, nor will Cenk, who also dissed on a chiropractor and functional neurologist, Ted Carrick.

    Don’t just sit there and take a neurologist from Yale’s opinion on chiropractors. There’s a long history between the AMA and chiropractic (Wilk vs AMA). Do your own REAL journalistic duties and stop just skimming the surface.

  3. First you need to do more research. Your spine is not straight. Not all Chiropractors are bad. They have more education than a normal MD. Please get you facts right before broadcasting!

    1. You’re absolutely right. It’s unsettling to see such a strong opinion against chiropractic when his knowledge is so little.

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