Interview With Member #42 Rolan Yoshinaga

In [DEAD] Member Interview by hmdalloul0 Comments

1. How old are you and what state do you live in?

I am 60 years old.  I live in Utah.

2. When did you become a member of TYT?

I can’t recall exactly when I became a member but it must be around 2005 or 2006.  I discovered TYT during the Air America days.  I had been listening to shows like Randi Rhodes and Sam Seder.  I remember hearing the show one day and I was hooked.  They were defending some of the progressive concepts that my generation wrestled with back in the 60’s and 70’s.  My generation blew it. We got sucked into the corporate illusions that were rampant during the Reagan 80s.

3. How do you consume the show?

I mostly listen to the full podcast (when its working … that’s a dig to your podcast team).  When my schedule allows I try to catch TYT Live but that’s not too often.

4. What field do you work in?

Currently I’m employed in local government in the area of land use planning, zoning, building codes.

5. How would you describe TYT in 5 words or less?

Trusted source for news that matters.  I guess that six.

6. Do you have a favorite TYT moment?

Every day I get a favorite moment so its very hard to come up with one but I always laugh out loud when my mind wanders to Cenk’s interview with General Tata and trying to get his name right.  I really like the What Would Jesus Do segments.  I would love to see that on prime time national television some day.

7. Who is your favorite co-host? Why?

I can’t pick a favorite because I enjoy them all so much.  The show is like having the hosts sitting around my dinner table having a conversation.  Every one of them would be a great dinner guest.  Cenk is great because of his passion and his willingness to fight.  Ana is unbelievable.  Its been so fun to see her mature into such a strong host and personality.  When she first replaced Jill she was a little shaky and I wondered if it would last but she just worked herself into a success and we’re all better off for it.  The power panels are fantastic.  I like John Iadorola but I prefer the old Johnny Fontaine nickname that Jimmy Dore was using over Johnny Pie.

8. What motivated you to take the extra step of becoming a paying member?

As I said, its the only source I have for news that actually matters.  By becoming a paying member I believe that I am helping to keep that source available.

9. Are surprised that the The Young Turks has grown into a multiplatform network of multiple channels?

Not really.  The original show is like the mother ship and all the multiple channels are so logical, yes, even Bro Tip. I am surprised/impressed at the ability of the TYT executives to respond to the rapidly evolving nature of the Internet and alternative broadcast opportunities.

10. Cenk often talks about the TYT brand as “truth telling.” What does this mean to you as a member?

That means that I can consume the news and try to understand my place in what is happening rather than spending my time trying to decide if its true or wondering why this story is being given to me.  I don’t need/want a show that tries to enhance ratings with scary stories like Ebola or invaders from the southern border.

11. Which TYT host would you get coffee with? Which one would you go to the bar with? Who would you have dinner with?

I would go to coffee with Ana so she could tell me about her short career as a barista.  I would go to a bar with Jimmy Dore.  It would be hilarious and we might have to fight our way out.  I’d have dinner with Cenk in Istanbul.  I’d love to hear his thoughts about the food.  i have to add one category here because I’m a big fan of the LA Angels.  So I’d like to go to a Dodgers – Angels World Series game with Jesus.

12. If you were a co-host on the show, which story would you cover? Why?

I really think  that we have to change the way the media talks about global warming.  Future generations will look back on us and wonder “What were they thinking?”  We will have left them with a horrible problem and for no visible reason.  Some of the views that I’ve heard Wes Clark express about it are so on target.

13. Have you ever communicated with other TYT fans? If so, how?


14. Has the show convinced you to change your position on a particular issue?

I think earlier I was ambivalent about marijuana legalization but the show has really opened my eyes about the evils of criminalization of a relatively harmless substance.

15. Have you ever referred membership to anyone? If so, what did you say?

I have not done a referral.  I tend to keep my political views to myself.  I do have a cousin who discovered Cenk through his blog posts on Huffington Post.  I told him about TYT but I don’t know if he ever signed up.


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