WARNING: Extremely Graphic Beheading Video in Saudi Arabia

In YouTube Posts by Hlarson10 Comments


Disturbing footage has emerged out of Saudi Arabia showing THREE people being publicly beheaded. Watch the video to see the graphic footage.

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Dave Rubin

Cara Santa Maria

Lissette Padilla

The Rubin Report is a comedy and current events panel show on The Young Turks Network hosted by Dave Rubin. Comedians, celebrities and media personalities join Dave each week to discuss hot topics in the worlds of news, politics, pop culture and more.


  1. Pingback: WARNING: Extremely Graphic Beheading Video in Saudi Arabia | Sharing Maniak

  2. Hey guys, sounds like you need a little information, so allow me to provide some.

    In Saudi Arabia public beheadings occur all the time, and usually on Fridays. I’m an English teacher at an international school, and we cater to everyone, particularly Saudi students. Every male student from Saudi Arabia I have met (that would be in the hundreds) state public beheadings are commonplace, are understood to be a deterrent, and most have seen their first by the time they are 12-13 years of age.

    That’s it.

    These beheadings are a religiously-inspired spectacle of violence to ensure citizens follow the law. Moreover, they are not above chopping up children, as one student recounted their school being brought down to witness the beheading of one of their classmates–while in elementary school.

    So, there it is. This is normal, not at all unusual, and utilized as a means of controlling people. Ain’t life grand? Ain’t death a show?

  3. “We don’t stone women to death” – no, we just prop up the Saudi regime and say nothing about it. Also, we drone the living shit out of civilians in the Middle East, let alone the consequences of 14 years of war.

    The stupidity here is just searing through their skulls and shining brightly

  4. Oh gee what a surprise a bunch of white people or one latina talking about the “Muslim” society in Saudi Arabia. First of all Cara is like “OUR women are allowed to go to school… allowed to drive…” uh well Saudi women are educated and also allowed to school. They send the women here in the U.S to study. There are a lot of Saudi women here in Oregon going to college paid by the Saudi Government. Not sure why you are taking a handful of “muslim” Taliban who are an uneducated regime not allowing women to go to school. Now they are gone so there is no Muslim country that does not allow women to go to school. In fact there were Taliban secretly sending their daughters to school. They are a handful compared to billion Muslims. Stop Stereotyping and BSing. If you want talk then have facts. Duh! Saudi has oil. Duh! Saudi no matter what they do they will always be an ally.

    WTF does this have to do with women and beheading? Their government sucks and so does a lot of countries’ governments. Saudi Arabia of all Muslim countries is the worse example of Islam. Unfortunately Mecca is located there for Muslims all over the world to go do their pilgrimage.

  5. surprised how little blood there is. Not what I expected it to look like. Seems I imagine worse than it is. Not to say it isn’t terrible. Got to wonder what is wrong with ppl sometimes

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