1.How old are you and what state do you live in?
I am 65 and live in California.
2. When did you become a member of TYT?
The first time in 2007 and then I had to change my credit card and was re-registered in 2009.
3. How do you consume the show?
I listen to the podcasts while working and working out. I watch the post games in the morning over coffee with my wife.
4. What field do you work in?
I am an artist.
5. How would you describe TYT in 5 words or less?
Always speaking truth to power.
6. Do you have a favorite TYT moment?
Cenk going off on Michael Shure about USA Today’s headline.
7. Who is your favorite co-host? Why?
Ben… because it’s Ben! No one can sub-reference, pun, and dialogue as harmoniously with Cenk.
8. What motivated you to take the extra step of becoming a paying member?
My desire to do what I could to keep the show going.
9. Are surprised that the The Young Turks has grown into a multiplatform network of multiple channels?
Hell, yeah!
10. Cenk often talks about the TYT brand as “truth telling.” What does this mean to you as a member?
Taking a stand without fear of losing “access” while being honest enough to admit mistakes.
11. Which TYT host would you get coffee with? Which one would you go to the bar with? Who would you have dinner with?
Coffee- Ben
Bar- Ana
12. If you were a co-host on the show, which story would you cover? Why?
The ridiculousness the “Art World”.
13. Have you ever communicated with other TYT fans? If so, how?
Yes, by converting them into fans.
14. Has the show convinced you to change your position on a particular issue?
Not yet
15. Have you ever referred membership to anyone? If so, what did you say?
TYT is where you will find news, issues examined, entertainment, and sports wrapped in a hefty dose of humor.
Download audio and video of the full two hour show on-demand + the members-only post game show by becoming a member at http://tytnetwork.com/membership/. Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth.