The Economics of Revolution

In Acronym TV on YouTube, YouTube Posts by Hlarson0 Comments


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“Corruption, greed and economic inequality have reached a peak tipping point,” writes David Degraw. “Due to the consolidation of wealth, the majority of the population cannot generate enough income to keep up with the cost of living. In the present economy, under current government policy, 70% of the population is now sentenced to an impoverished existence.”

In this special 3rd anniversary of Occupy Wall St. edition of Acronym TV, David DeGraw sits down with Dennis Trainor, Jr.

David’s new book, The Economics of Revolution, is now available from

DeGraw, who is advocating for a guaranteed income for all US residents, states: “If people could just wrap their head around the fact that we have over $94 Trillion in wealth in the United States, I think we would have a revolution overnight. It has gotten to the point where it would only take 0.5% of the 1%’s wealth to eliminate poverty nationwide.”

About the guest |
David DeGraw is an author and an organizer. An early organizer with Occupy Wall Street, David is credited by many as starting the We Are the 99% meme that launched a movement. He is an independent investigative journalist. In February 2010, DeGraw published a book called “The Economic Elite Vs. The People of the United States of America.” The last section of the book was a call to action, using the concept of 99 percent of American income earners.

The Economics of Revolution, Revolution, The coming Revolution, David DeGraw, We are the 99%, 2014 elections, mid term elections, Democrat, Republican, Race Riots, Poverty, Wealth inequality, Acronym TV,

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