How To Remember Names – Networking Master Tip

In Fowler Show on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments

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At a networking event, we often introduce ourselves with just our first name. Instead, try using your full name so people can remember it easier.

We’ve talked about how hard it is to remember people’s names, but The Muse has a nice tip to make it easier for others:

Why It’s So Hard to Remember People’s Names
It happens to the best of us. You meet someone at a party, then three days later you run into them…
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Your parents gave you a first and last name for a reason; don’t hesitate to use them both. I’ll be real here: The first couple times I tried this, I felt kind of ridiculous. After all, who cares about my full name? But you’d be surprised at how differently people treat you when you say your first and last name. It’s memorable, it’s powerful, and it’s the difference between making a lackluster connection and a surprisingly great one.
You might think it’s too formal to use your full name, but the goal here is to make it easier for others to remember you. After all they probably know people with your first name, but no one with both your first and last name.

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