“NBC News this week interviewed an American citizen who attempted to join ISIS. He explained, “They’ve proven time and time again to put Islamic law as the priority and the establishment of an Islamic state as the goal.” The hosts of Fox’s The Five discussed this individual today and Dana Perino said if he had any prior knowledge about the beheading of Americans James Foley and Steven Sotloff, he should be charged with treason.
Eric Bolling one-upped that by saying, “Better yet, send him to Gitmo and waterboard the hell out of him until he starts talking about what he knows.”
And then he went off on how the United States made a big show of ending waterboarding, and suggested that may have actually helped terrorism “sprout up again”:“* Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola (TYT University), Ben Mankiewicz (Turner Classic Movies) and Wes Clark Jr break it down.
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