How To Fight Against Mainstream Media & The Establishment

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Cenk Uygur asks Russell Brand what he thinks about media channels who are invested in maintaining status quo and how to fight back against the establishment.

“Yes. I consider Fox News to be part of the establishment’s propaganda arm. I don’t imagine this is explicitly organized, but that isn’t really relevant. What I stand and recognize is that Fox News’ agenda is completely in alignment with the establishment’s agenda. Fox News’ message is, ‘This is the way things are. This is the way things are meant to be. If there are problems, it’s because of the disadvantaged and the dispossessed.’ They never draw attention to the powerful, because those are their interests… The only want to convey a narrative that protects the interests of the powerful.”

On redistributing wealth and power:

“Wherever possible, take away the incentives of profit. I think this myth that our best and our brightest and our finest are only motivated by money and privilege and comfort — I don’t necessarily think that that’s true. What I’m talking about isn’t some misty-eyed, mythical sort of sweet hippie-dom. I’m talking about ruthless pragmatism. We have a certain amount of resources, we have a certain amount of people, and we have a certain amount of time before the planet expires. Let’s get the resources to the people. Let’s implement systems that distribute resources fairly.

Don’t have global trade agreements that mean certain organizations benefit hugely whilst others flounder in poverty. Don’t have a system where $30 billion could solve world hunger forever and that $30 billion isn’t found despite every eight day $30 billion dollars is spent on arms. That’s just silly.

Take organizations and give them to the people that run them. Have McDonald’s if you want McDonald’s, but have them run democratically by the people that work in McDonald’s. Have the money that’s earned by McDonald’s shared among the people that work in McDonald’s, and the same for any organization. And any organization that contributes nothing — no nutrition, no benefits, only harm — get rid of those organizations.”

Watch Russell Brand’s “The Trew” at
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