[gravityform id=”12″ name=”POLL: Should Ma’lik Richmond be allowed back on the Steubenville High School football team?” title=”false” description=”false”]
He is a convicted rapist! if you are a registered sex offender you can’t live 500 yards from a school i think? I would not want my daughter going to school with him he did it once he mite do it again!!!
He’s done his time, so he should be allowed back on the team.
However, the school itself should be put on probation for their role in the cover-up. Any wins or state championships from the time of the rape until the time Richmond leaves the team should be stricken from the records.
This is one of the times where I disagree with you guys. The question of whether he should be allowed back on the team seems kind of pointless. It’s better to determine if this guy has been rehabilitated. If he served his time and isn’t a threat, let him play on the team. The main purpose behind the team sports in school is to develop positive qualities in students.
Being from the UK I have little idea of the American cultural aspects of this case, aside from what I glean from tv, movies and news shows, But from a mere “Natural justice” angle this man should not be allowed back to the school, let alone the privilege of playing for the school team.
The (Currently 20%) support of the poll to allow him back and the fact of the school’s willingness to take him back are signs of the appalling “Celebrity culture” that has engulfed the western world.
But let’s be clear the real fault seems to lie in a “Justice” system that gives a rapist a one year sentence – effectively giving him a “Pass” for rape.
In the 90’s, getting anything less than a “C” in a class, starting a fight, arguing with a teacher, or excessive truancy/absences meant you were deprived of certain school-sponsored events. Athletics, academics, homecoming, prom, etc., etc.; all denied you until you straightened up.
Rape, of all things, should trump most reasons for denial of school-sponsored graces. And since his behavior could be attributed to his friends on the football team (the “rape crew”), it would make sense to keep him away from those people, lest recidivism is the ultimate goal.
Gentiles are such animals.
He is a convicted rapist! if you are a registered sex offender you can’t live 500 yards from a school i think? I would not want my daughter going to school with him he did it once he mite do it again!!!
He’s done his time, so he should be allowed back on the team.
However, the school itself should be put on probation for their role in the cover-up. Any wins or state championships from the time of the rape until the time Richmond leaves the team should be stricken from the records.
How long can we punish him. He served his time. Although too short.
This is one of the times where I disagree with you guys. The question of whether he should be allowed back on the team seems kind of pointless. It’s better to determine if this guy has been rehabilitated. If he served his time and isn’t a threat, let him play on the team. The main purpose behind the team sports in school is to develop positive qualities in students.
Being from the UK I have little idea of the American cultural aspects of this case, aside from what I glean from tv, movies and news shows, But from a mere “Natural justice” angle this man should not be allowed back to the school, let alone the privilege of playing for the school team.
The (Currently 20%) support of the poll to allow him back and the fact of the school’s willingness to take him back are signs of the appalling “Celebrity culture” that has engulfed the western world.
But let’s be clear the real fault seems to lie in a “Justice” system that gives a rapist a one year sentence – effectively giving him a “Pass” for rape.
Let me just tell you a little bit on American cultural aspects. There aren’t any.
In the 90’s, getting anything less than a “C” in a class, starting a fight, arguing with a teacher, or excessive truancy/absences meant you were deprived of certain school-sponsored events. Athletics, academics, homecoming, prom, etc., etc.; all denied you until you straightened up.
Rape, of all things, should trump most reasons for denial of school-sponsored graces. And since his behavior could be attributed to his friends on the football team (the “rape crew”), it would make sense to keep him away from those people, lest recidivism is the ultimate goal.