“You might not be hearing a lot about it, but a whole lot of folks in America would like nothing more than to see President Barack Obama impeached and removed from office.
For what, you ask? Well, that’s not really clear. In fact, it depends on whom you talk to.
Some people, particularly on the hard right of the political spectrum, are firmly convinced Obama has done something so unconstitutional that there’s no other option than impeachment to help save the Republic. But they may not know exactly what that is.'”* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.
*Read more here from Mark W. Anderson / NBC Chicago:
This guy has done more than get a BJ in the Oral Office.
And the price of that was a great economy! Okay, so BJ’s are good.
I don’t know enough about law to engage in impeachment dialogues.
But I often wonder what should be done when a US president is sworn into office and in front of the entire world takes the oath of office and perjures themselves? I hope the statute of limitations for presidential perjury goes out at least eight years.
Very few of them are taking seriously their sworn responsibility for holistically defending the US. Many of them trash our position as a leading nation, economic power and the world’s foremost democracy.
W, O and many others have at the minimum jacked up the US by destroying our reputation with the world, as we flagrantly violate other nations territories and rights (while bashing and acting against any country that copies us), and by deflating our economy by causing all the rest of the world to want to ditch the US Dollar (er uh, the US nickel–I think it’s worth now).